Chapter 2

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Knock Knock!

"Yeji, downstairs I'll leave your breakfast and something for Lia, don't wake up so late!"

I woke up with a horrible hangover looking at my phone and it was 11 in the morning, I received a message from my big buyer, telling me that tonight was the big meeting, I wish he had sent the money before and disappeared, but that didn't work, Likewise, he also signed a contract in which he was obliged to pay.

"Yeji, do you know what clothes you're going to wear today? If you want I can bring you something, don't be offended but your clothes don't scream sexy at all, I have a new dress that I know you're going to love" I rolled my eyes while Lia smiled at me, we were both having breakfast with some delicious pancakes that my mom had left.

"Well, go home and bring me the dress... Ok?" She nodded and continued eating, Lia started to tell me how her first time had been and I was terrified, but she tried not to make it look so painful... I hope so, Lia.

after a few minutes she left and I went to take a long shower that I know I needed.

"Yeji... Where's Lia?" Hyujin asked me and I rolled my eyes trying to pass but he got in my way.

"She's gone, Hyun and do you want me to tell you something? You don't have a chance with her?" I crossed my arms and smiled.

"Why not? You know who you have in front of you? No girl can resist me, you're just in the middle"

"Haha... Lia is a lesbian" I whispered in his ear and he just stood there petrified while I went to my room laughing at the lie I had made up, Lia is straight just like me.

I bathed in the tub with hot water to try to relax a little, I was a little tense because of the meeting I will have with that man at night and I am a little scared. But it's not every day you get offers like that for your virginity, right?

I looked in some pages about what the first time is like for women and everything seemed supremely painful, much more than what Lia told me, I was about to cancel the date with that man, but I remembered everything I needed, so I took a deep breath and I lay down on my bed.

After sleeping for a while, I heard the door and I was sure it was Lia, by the way she knocked on the door, she always knocked three times first and then twice, this girl...

"Hello, ready for your big sale?"

"Shhhhh! Shut up, Hyujin can hear you" I looked towards the stairs, to see if he could be here.

"Ash! Let's go"

I put on a blue dress, but it was too short, when I mean TOO short it was literal, you could see the end of my buttocks and I didn't need to look like a prostitute either.

"Ok, try this one, it's really cute and sexy"

I liked this one a little better and decided I'd wear that one with a nice black blazer I had in my closet.

"Wow, you look... That old man is going to fall at your feet and after today you can continue s-"

"No, Lia... It will only be one day"

She rolled her eyes and sat on my bed.

We talked for I don't know how long and night came...

"Okay, it's now or never..."

Lia had come to my house in her father's car and took me to an exclusive hotel in the city where I made an appointment with Mr. Dae-hyun.

She tried to calm my nerves by putting a song on the radio that I liked so much.

I'ma steal your heart away
You are gonna love me
You won't even know what hit ya till I'm baring my teeth
'Cause I'm so good at playing the role
I won't be the first one to fold
If loving you makes me a felon, whodunit who?
You'll never know🎶

"Tomorrow you will be arriving at the university, paying your full degree and paying your mother's debt, don't worry"

The car stopped and I thought for a few minutes before leaving looking towards the big hotel.

"Yeji... Calm down" she gave me a smile and a hug, I got out of the car and adjusted my blazer.

"Good luck" Lia told me from the car window as I entered the place, my heart was pounding and I felt my legs tremble... It was my first time and with a complete stranger.

At the reception I gave the name given to me by Mr. Dae-hyun and they gave me a card indicating the number of the room. I took a deep breath while I went in the elevator, to the top floor, I looked at myself in the mirror, fixing my hair and clothes a little.

At the end of the corridor I saw a door that had the number 715, that was the room, I approached and when I was standing there I took a deep breath, wondering if maybe I should go and forget about all this, but my hand moved and I opened the door carefully, the lights were off, there were some candles but the place was apparently empty.

"H-hello?" my voice trembled as well as my knees, I wanted to run away from the place, but there was no turning back... I had come this far, right?

Suddenly a blonde woman came out of a room with a glass of wine in her hand, a very elegant suit and a charming smile. I swallowed hard and felt naked as I watched her eyes travel all over my body.

"S-sorry I think I got the wrong room" I turned around thinking that this wasn't the room when I clearly opened it with the damn key they gave me, but I was very nervous.

"Stop" I stopped in front of the door without moving or even breathing when I felt her footsteps approaching me "nice to meet you, Yeji... Why are you leaving if we haven't started yet" she whispered in my ear and FUCK that hoarse voice it made me weak without even knowing it.



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