Chapter 39

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"Good morning, Miss Shin" Chris Yeji's right hand man, walked into my office "I'm here because Miss Lucy-"

"I know... Come in and sit down."

It's better to meet him, isn't it?

Chaer came into my office too and the three of us talked about balance sheets and how the finances are going side and side and even though I was trying to concentrate, my mind was somewhere else, thinking about what happened in the morning or what would happen at home with Eunbi.

I don't even want to think about all the claims and accusations..... Eunbi has always kept herself at bay from business and I've never seen her behave the way she did today when she saw Yeji. Worst case scenario, we'll be in a long discussion until the wee hours of the morning. But I think it will be much louder than the ones we've had already.

"Ok..." After three hours... "That's it, I'll be contacting you to arrange for the conference tomorrow" I nodded and Chaer stood up and shook his hand.

"Ryujin... I noticed you a little distracted is something wrong?" she asked me, sitting back down across from me.

"Nothing... Just... Eunbi saw Yeji here in the morning with me and-"

"Were you guys doing something?" she asked me with her eyes widening and I just glared at her.

"No... We weren't doing anything, just talking..." She put her lips in an O shape and I continued on the computer.

I really didn't want to go into that conversation we had, I didn't want to think about it again and the urge I had to kiss her. That can't happen.

"Ryujin!" my mom walked in without knocking as usual and Chaer jumped a little in surprise.

"Good morning, mom" I know what you're coming for..... I rolled my eyes.

"What the fuck was that woman doing here? You want to tell me what the fuck you were thinking?" Mom was upset and I could almost see a vein popping out of her neck as she spoke.

Chaer got up from her chair and muttered a good luck to me, which I could read on her lips and walked out of the office.


"I know all about it... I heard that you signed a contract with her for a damn year!? Why didn't I know about it?"

"How did you find out?" I asked her and with my fingers I grabbed the bridge of my nose, taking a deep breath.

"What the fuck does it matter? All I want is for you to break that contract now and get that woman out of here."

"Mom... I can't do that... We'd have to pay a hefty amount of money to break the contract, plus I didn't know she-"

"I don't care how much you have to pay!"

I stood up from the chair and put my hands on the desk forcefully. I was tired with her wanting to meddle in matters that didn't belong to her.

"That's enough! I am the president and things are done as I say!" She glared at me with a hateful expression on her face.

"I hope that bitch doesn't come here to ruin your life" she walked out of the office throwing open the door and I sat back in the chair.

She won't be able to ruin me twice...


The day went on as normal... As usual, but the difference was that my mind was scrambled. I had done everything to try to distract myself, but all I could think about was her eyes and how empty they looked.

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