Chapter 38

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I got into my car holding back the tears that wanted to come out of my eyes.... That boy... It's his son and...

I quickly shook my head and raised my gaze to the sky preventing a single tear from coming out of my eyes.

I remembered the smile Ryujin gave the child and it was so pure, so full of love and affection, what I always wanted for her.... For Ryeji.


"Yeji... Are you sure you're okay? We should go to a doctor?"

Hyujin asked sitting next to me on my bed, while I felt like I was dying. It had only been two weeks since I was here and I felt weak and sick, getting dizzy easily and losing my appetite or throwing up what little I ate.

"I'm fine, Hyun" I said with a weak smile, sitting up with my back propped up against the head of the bed.

"Of course not, you're pale and aside from all the crying you've done since you've been here, you haven't wanted to eat properly and-"

"You'll be happy if I go to the doctor?"

He nodded and helped me up to get up to go to the bathroom, it wasn't that I couldn't walk, I just got a lot of dizzy spells from time to time. Could it be because I'm not eating well due to the strong depression I'm trying to cope with?

"Yeji... I will accompany you and give you to take a cab to take you home, because I have to go to training, but we will talk in the night, okay?"

"Don't worry Hyun, I understand.... Besides I'm not a kid" I rolled my eyes with a smile and he grabbed my hand.

"To me you will always be my little sister."

Thank you Hyujin... Without you, I don't know what would be me now.

We arrived at the clinic and Hyujin said goodbye to me. After I went in and filled out my information to be seen. The doctor called me into his office.

"You came alone, Miss Yeji?" I nodded as he typed my data into his computer.

He took my blood pressure, my heart rate, my weight, watched my eyes, my mouth and my ears as he asked me what symptoms I had.

"How long ago was your last period?" he asked me.

"Ehm... No... I don't remember exactly-"

He nodded and continued typing on the computer. I was a bit nervous, I hated going to the doctor, I hated injections and taking medicine, almost every time I had cramps or headaches, I stayed in bed all day without taking anything, avoiding having to swallow a pill or some bitter remedy.

Ok, Yeji, we need to give you a pregnancy test."

Oh my god.


And then to my head came all those times I was with Ryujin. My God, how could I have been so stupid? What was going through my head at that moment when I let-

"Please go to the medical examination room and give this paper to the nurse."

I took the paper with my trembling hands and looked at it, it was an authorization for a pregnancy test, I swallowed hard and closed my eyes tightly, no.... How could I have been so careless?

I left the doctor's office walking slowly towards the lab where I would be tested, my heart was racing, to the point where I could hear it in my ears, my legs were shaking and I started to feel hot all of a sudden. Could it be that... Yeji you were so stupid.

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