Chapter 11

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"Damn it, Eunbi, what are you doing here?"

I missed the chance to have Yeji in my arms again, that girl has me bewitched. I ran my fingers through my hair and she just crossed her arms coming closer to me. I immediately walked to my desk and sat on the chair, my heart was racing and I needed to calm down, I grabbed a drink and poured myself some whiskey. I looked at her and she just rolled her eyes.

"Who was that girl, Ryujin? One of your conquests? Or some prostitute th-"

"Shut up, I don't have to explain to you what I do or don't do.... What the fuck are you doing here?"

Eunbi was the daughter of one of my mom's best friends, they have always dreamed of seeing us married, not that I don't find her attractive, but the idea of getting married makes me nauseous. The girl would occasionally come to my office and I never really saw anything wrong with her, but I always treated her as a friend, even though she wanted something else badly.

"I just came to visit you and look what I find."

I immediately picked up the phone and called Yujin, my secretary.

"Whenever someone comes to my office you must let me know, is that clear?" The girl answered nervously and I hung up the phone.

"Fuck you, Ryujin.... I didn't think I needed permission to enter your office, we've been friends for a long time and-"

"Yes, Eunbi... You need my fucking permission to get into my office, understood?"

She looked at me for a while longer and when I locked my eyes on hers, she left the office without saying anything.

Fuck! I was sexually frustrated. I slammed my hands on the desk and at that moment Chaer came into my office.

"That girl here again? Damn, she just won't give up."

I took one last deep breath and tried to concentrate on work by looking at the computer, but her smell still flooded my senses.

"How did it go with the Hwang girl?" I looked at her confused and she rolled her eyes "I saw her in the elevator, I guess she came to see you, right?" I nodded and she sat down in the chair on the other side of my desk, leaving some papers on the table.

"I was about to make her mine again, but Eunbi came and interrupted us" in my voice you could hear a certain tone of annoyance, I needed to see Yeji again, don't even think I'll let you go.

"Ouch, how reckless your friend! Hey, I need you to give me the number of Yeji's friend, the one we took that day to the restaurant, she's too cute" I just rolled my eyes and went back to my work "heyyy don't be like that."

"Chaeryeong... I'm not going to give you her number without her permission, get it yourself" I kept typing on the computer and with the peripheral vision of my eye I saw her make fun of what I said. I looked at her and she immediately got up from her chair and left the office.

Why am I like this because of a 19 year old girl?


When I got to my apartment I saw Yuna sitting on the couch watching TV with a pile of potato chips around her and her feet up on the coffee table. Why the fuck did I give keys to her? Yuna was 20 years old but she was acting like a 12 year old.

"Ryujinnie!!!" She got up from the couch, dropping the chips on the floor and I looked at her angrily "oops!" she hugged me and just like that she went to the kitchen, I guess to get something else to eat.

"Yuna... I need you to clean all this up by the time I get out of the bathroom, got it?"

Clearly I had a person in charge of cleaning my apartment, but this little girl wasn't going to mess up my place and get away with it.

"Ok, boss!" she yelled from the kitchen and I rolled my eyes and went straight to the bathroom.

I prepared a tub of hot water, I needed to relax, more after what had happened today, I couldn't get Yeji out of my head, her lips, her moans, her eyes....

Without meaning to, my cock started to harden and rise, fuck, with my eyes closed, I started to imagine or rather remember what happened in the office and that first time I had her body, my hand moved on its own to my cock and I started to stroke it gently.


All I could think about was her, unbelievably my life was depending on a girl, I didn't want to accept it but deep down I needed to make her mine.

I didn't want... I couldn't see her in someone else's arms, I had never felt like this before, I couldn't help it.


Oh my god, the story is in Ryeji's top 4! 🖤🖤🖤

Oh my god, the story is in Ryeji's top 4! 🖤🖤🖤

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