Chapter 48

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"Hey bitch!"

Eunbi came through the door with a black hoodie and a revolver in her hand, pointing it at me.

This was the first time I had ever seen a gun in my life. And my body tensed immediately, knowing that my life was in danger in this place, I don't know what happened to Lily but it was clear that this woman had done something to her to get in.

Mrs. Shin looked at her and gasped, she was as shocked as I was.

Eunbi was totally out of her mind.

"Ohhhh... But look who we have here. The adorable mother hen, Shin Jiyu" Eunbi pointed the gun towards her and the lady raised her hands.

"Eunbi, are you completely crazy? Your son is in the hospital... He needs you, he's about to-"

"SHUT UP!" She yelled at her and I tried to move towards Mrs. Shin, but quickly Eunbi pointed at me. "That kid is a bastard... I tried to help him with the pills, but apparently it didn't work, Ryujin wasn't supposed to find out. She didn't..." She shook her head from side to side.

She looked completely unhinged, her devilish grin and her eyes, completely disoriented, her expression was one of hatred and I couldn't understand how anyone could care less about her son, was Ryujin more important to her? Was it more important for Ryujin not to find out that she was not the child's mother than to try to kill him slowly with those pills?

"Those pills didn't work, they were killing him, for god's sake!" I told her and she just smiled.

Mrs. Shin had told me the situation and everything that was going on, at this moment I just wanted to run into Ryujin's arms and tell her that I love her and that forgives me.

"I saw you yesterday... Making out with Ryujin at the back of the bar..."

I immediately looked at Mrs. Shin and she tried to take out her phone, but Eunbi gave a shot towards the ground near where she was and made her jump.

"Don't even try it, bitch," she told her and turned her gaze back to me and the damn gun.

"Her hands caressing your filthy body, you fucking bitch! I saw so much passion in her" her voice lowered "it's so different from when she touches me." She pout.

I was petrified, I looked between Mrs. Shin and her, who had the same expression as me. I didn't know what to do or what to say, my mind was completely blank.

She had seen us and that had thrown her out of her mind.

"Eunbi I-" Ryujin's mom tried to speak and she turned her revolver towards her.

"Do you know how much time I invested in a failed relationship? In making your daughter love me like she loves this bitch? You helped me and now you are here talking to her like nothing, like BIG FRIENDS! What a big farce, Mrs. Shin.... After all we did to get this woman away from Ryujin..."

She walked slowly towards her and brought the gun close to her. My heart was racing at an impressive level and my hands were shaking, I saw my phone on the table and slowly tried to lower my hands to it.

"Take the fucking phone and she will die, you decide Hwang, although after everything this old slut did to you, I would be doing you a favor" she smiled wickedly.

I did hate her, but under no circumstances did I want Eunbi to kill her, she is Ryujin's mom and she shouldn't suffer more than she is suffering right now.

All those times when Lia asked me to talk to her, when she tried to tell me things and I didn't want to listen to her, it had all been a cruel lie in which we were victims. Devised by her own mother, who now wept with regret.

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