Chapter 33

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Yeji... Come back to me ...

I opened my eyes and the sunlight quickly entered my retina, I closed my eyes tightly again...

Shit, my head was about to explode, I didn't know what had happened, only that I went to the bar to drink yesterday and I don't remember how I got here...

I felt a weight on my abdomen and looked down.

An arm wrapped around my naked body.... What? Why am I naked... I-

My heart raced as I thought that it was all a dream and that the person who was here with me in my bed was her, Yeji...

But quickly my illusions vanished when I saw...

Eunbi? What the hell happened?

I removed her arm, carefully and got up, sitting on the bed holding my head in one hand. The pain is so strong, I couldn't stand the fucking headache.

I got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom, I looked in the mirror and I had hickeys on various parts of my body, fuck... my eyes sunken and pronounced dark circles under. I drank so much that I couldn't remember shit?

I turned on the shower and took a cold water bath, that could help me with the strong hangover I had at that moment.

But the worst of all, is the pain I have in my soul, in my chest, the one that tells me that she is no longer with me... And that she won't come back.

And that pain won't leave me with pills or cold water running over my body...

Do I miss her? With all my strength... I would change my whole life to be with her again... But, she deceived me, she went away and made me believe that what she felt was real.

I hated myself for loving her even knowing that, she doesn't feel anything for me. Anything.

After a few tears driven by depression and hangover, I came out of the bathroom and Eunbi was already awake.... She looked at me and smiled.

"What happened? Why are you here, naked?" I asked her and she rolled her eyes.

"Isn't it obvious? Yesterday you made love to me... In the most exquisite way I've ever-"

"Why are you here?"

"I saved you, Ryu... I went to that bar to look for you, I brought you home and then this happened."

She got up from the bed completely naked, but my reaction isn't the same as when I saw her naked... Yeji was unique.

She came closer to me and put her arms around my neck, bringing her face close to mine.

"All night you moaned my name..."

She whispered to me and I just watched her. She gave me a peck on the lips and left, walking towards the bathroom.

No way...

I got dressed in comfortable clothes and went to the bar I have here in my apartment. My breakfast every day.

A glass of whiskey and a cigarette... Looking at the big city. This chaotic place where I met her, maybe I should change country, not to remember her anymore...

"Do you want something for breakfast?" Eunbi asked me, when she came out of my room with a wide shirt of mine.... Like she used to do.

"Don't worry... I'll go out"

I put out the cigarette and left the glass on the table. I took the car keys and went to the door.

"But ryu-"

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