Chapter 40

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What just happened?

God it can't be...

I got into the car and touched my lips softly, closing my eyes, breathing deeply... It made me feel so weak, my heart was still fluttering and I felt that all this was unreal...

No Yeji, you're not going to fall again, not this time...

I caught my breath again and with a sigh, I started the car, I had arranged to meet Lia after the meeting at a restaurant near the company.

What happened should not have happened, nor will it happen again.

I arrived at the comfortable and elegant restaurant, after getting through the morning traffic and saw Lia sitting at a table, with a pink drink in her hand, it looked like a cocktail, will it have alcohol? Isn't it a little early for that?

God I need one of those.

"Hi" I sat down across from her and Lia just watched my face.

"Something happened, didn't it?"

I guess over the years, Lia had learned to read me.... Every gesture on my face told her what she wanted to know.

"You know me so well..." I told her in a deep sigh.

The waiter approached us at that moment.

"May I take your order, miss?"

"Bring me a cocktail, please" he took the order and nodded.

"Let's see, let's see... Tell me what happened, you look like you've been talking to a dead man" she said to me as she took a sip of her colorful drink.

"Ryujin kissed me" Lia spat some of her drink in front of me and opened her eyes wider.

"WHAT!?" i rolled my eyes and pulled back, wiping my arms with a napkin. everyone in the restaurant turned to look at us.

"Please Lia, we're in a public place" I said and she just smiled looking around a little embarrassed.

"I'm sorry but it's just... How are you going to drop that bomb like that Lucy, Jesus!" Lia looked really shocked and still wasn't coming out of her astonishment.

"I know..." I nodded and as quickly as the waiter brought the drink, I drank it. Without leaving a single drop in the glass.

"Calm down, calm down... I know how you're feeling."

"You don't have the slightest idea, Lia.... Her lips, God those lips, I didn't know I was dying to kiss them again. Her hands and arms tightly gripping my body.... And then her kisses on my neck-"

"Wait, wait... was that just a kiss or did you both have sex in the office?"

"Of course not, Jisu.... After that I pushed her and left that place almost running."

Lia looked at me surprised but in her eyes I could see that she was not at all uncomfortable with what I told her, on the contrary, I could see a tiny smile on her face... Lia, please.

"Ok, did she say something to you or-?"

"No, we were just discussing something, as usual she feels alluded by my return and I like to see her uncomfortable every time she sees me.... But I didn't expect her to kiss me at all."

"What did you feel...?" She asked me and I just stared at the empty glass....

What did I feel? I felt like my world was falling apart again.... I felt butterflies fluttering in my stomach, I felt like four years ago I felt every time I was with her, I felt like my heart was about to burst, I felt like my body was weakening with her warmth surrounding me, her strong arms grabbing me, making me feel hers, but my mind was screaming something to me, I also felt like it wasn't the right thing to do.

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