Chapter 16

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"Yeji... My friends are preparing a farewell party for me at an exclusive bar in town, I want you to go with me."

It was Friday and Hyujin was sitting at the kitchen table, while I was organizing some things I had bought. I had already gotten rid of my college commitments , because I'm a 10 girl, ok?

My brother was leaving on Monday and I felt sad and happy at the same time, this had been his dream since he was a kid and on the other hand, he was the only family I had left, we were never really close to my mom's family and my dad's we never saw again after what happened. It was just me and him. My mom had been avoiding my calls, never answered my texts and I stopped looking for her. I still love her, but just because she's my mom, I shouldn't put up with everything she does.

"Owww" I pouted "I was going to plan a surprise party for you here with Lia" I turned to him and he shrugged.

"We better go to that bar, I need a good send-off, before I leave, if you know what I mean. "

My smile faded and I went back to what I was doing. I felt Hyujin got up from the chair and walked towards me standing next to me.

"Yeddeong... Don't worry, I'll come visit you when I get vacation and you can come visit me too." His words gave me some comfort. He gave me a hug and I nodded.

"What... What about mom?" I asked him and he looked down.

"I don't know... At first I thought about taking her with me, I didn't want to leave her alone here, but she said no. She didn't want to go with me, she told me she'll be there at home until the end of her days."

I was a little hurt that she was staying there alone, but I couldn't do much, she didn't want anything to do with me and that was something I couldn't fight against.

"Ok" I changed the conversation to try to improve the mood of both of us for the time being. At some point I will have to go and see mom, at some point she will understand and she will be back to her old self. "I'll take Lia" he nodded.

"it's tomorrow. I'll send you the location of the place." I just rolled my eyes and he gave me a kiss on the forehead, saying goodbye.

Lia hadn't arrived yet and I decided to make something to eat for both of us. I picked up my phone and saw that my messages hadn't reached her yet, which is weird because Lia is always on her damn phone.... Did something happen to her? I dialed her number.


"Why are you panting?" I asked confused as I heard Lia sound like she was running a marathon.

"I-I'm at the gym ah" hmm.... Ok.

"Do you want to eat pasta?"

"Y-yeah oh yeah, talk to you later."

She hung up the call and I looked at the phone. She was doing what I think she was doing? I smirked and leaving it on the table as I set about making some delicious alfredo pasta that I loved.


Lia arrived half an hour later and I was watching TV, I wanted to relax, today was the last day of the week and tomorrow I will be able to rest, or at least before going to that bar.

"How did it go at the gym?" She looked at me and I saw her gulp and from her expression I knew what she meant by "I'm in the gym".

"W-well... I'm hungry" she went straight to the kitchen and I just laughed.

"They didn't give you food at the GYM!?" I shouted and I heard a laugh, she walked over to me, sitting down next to me on the couch. She took a deep breath and put her head on my shoulder.

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