Chapter 12

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When I got home I saw my mom sitting at the table, she looked at me and continued eating. While Hyujin was coming down the stairs.

"Hi, Yeddeong" he gave me a hug and a kiss on my forehead "I got you a good n-"

"Hyujin I need to talk to you" I said grabbing his hand, I didn't know how to tell him, how could I tell him that my career was fully paid for and that he had given up his dreams for nothing?

"What do you want to talk to Hyujin about? That he want to gave up his brilliant career in America to help you?" my mom got up from the table and walked toward us with her arms crossed. When Hyujin found out the truth, he got mad at mom and that made her mad at me, so she didn't knock on my door.

"Mom... I'm not going to America" my mom opened her eyes wider and looked at Hyujin surprised, apparently she still didn't know anything and her eyes instantly turned red.

"What the fuck are you talking about, Hyujin?! Do you know how much money I invested in that expensive academy?" mom moved closer to Hyujin and I stepped in between the two of them.

"Hyujin did it for helping me, it's all my f-"

She raised her hand to try to hit me but stopped, I closed my eyes waiting for the blow but Hyujin pushed me away from her and stood in front of me. Obviously we couldn't do anything, she is our mother, but I had a lot of anger towards her, just because dad left and abandoned her. He abandoned US, not only her, now she has a lot more anger against me.

I couldn't stop a tear from coming out of my eyes, I couldn't believe my own mother hated me so much.

"Leave her alone, mom" Hyujin hugged me and we went upstairs, we entered my room and he sat next to me while I was crying in his arms. At least my brother love me.

"Shhh... It'll be okay, Yeji, I already got a job and-"

"Hyujin... my college is completely paid for" he broke away from me and looked at me completely confused.

"What are you talking about?"

I decided to tell him the whole truth, Hyujin was a good listener and didn't say anything until I finished speaking, in tears and sobs.

"God, Yeji... You should have talked to me... You didn't have to do that" I ducked my head and he took my hand.

"I know, but... I really don't regret it" those words came out of my mouth without thinking. I wasn't sorry at all, that night with Ryujin had been the best night of my life and even though I didn't want to accept it, that woman was driving me crazy.


"Do you think there's any chance you can go to the academy?" I asked wiping away my tears.

"N-no, I don't think so. I guess I should pay again the amount mom paid, but by the time I reach the amount of money, I would have to do it the other year, don't worry I can work, this year stay with you and-"

"Bu-" at that moment my phone started ringing and I immediately looked at it seeing an unknown number, I didn't know whether to answer or not, but I did.

"Miss Hwang?"

"Yes?" I got up from my bed and went to my window, while Hyujin stayed on my bed watching me.

"We need you to come to the bank, we need to arrange all the papers for your new account" I frowned remembering what happened the last time I went to the damn bank.

"What are you talking about?"

"Miss,we will give it to you a new credit card today but you have to come to the bank to leave your signature and we need your imprint, please we are waiting for you as soon as possible, have a nice day."

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