Chapter 49

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Yes... It was her.

Yeji slowly got up from a chair in the hospital room. I didn't understand what was happening but I felt my heart about to burst when I saw her walk slowly towards me, an impulse ran through my body to walk towards her and when we were facing each other, just a few steps away, I could see her eyes fill with tears.

She took my cheeks in her hands and planted a kiss on my lips. My hands immediately settled on her waist and I quickly pulled her closer to me tightly. I needed to feel the warmth of her body, it made me weak, but at the same time it comforted me. It made me feel so much better.

She pulled away from me and with her tear soaked cheeks she looked up at me.

"I love you" She whispered.

God, her words left me completely speechless, I didn't understand what was going on, because suddenly Yeji was here, kissing me, telling me those things when I thought she hated me as much as I thought I hated her, but in reality I loved her as much as ever and more and more strongly.

"What are you-"

"We must explain everything to you..."

My mother approached us and then I saw a doctor come out of a room.

"You're here for Mr. Kim?" Yeji broke away from me and nodded.

I looked at her confused and my mom put her hand on my shoulder.

"He's still in the operating room, his prognosis is guarded, but fortunately the bullet didn't compromise any vital organs."

What was going on? I didn't understand anything and when the doctor left, Yeji turned her gaze to me.

"What's wrong?" I asked already a little irritated.

"Christian is Miki's real father" my mom said.


Was it true what I was hearing? I couldn't believe it, there was no way....

"Eunbi and Christian met long before you and her were together" Yeji explained to me and I still didn't understand what she was doing there, why was Christian in the hospital.

"I know you have a lot of questions daughter.... But let me explain to you how it all happened.... From the beginning."

And that's how I found out about Eunbi and mom's macabre plan, her relationship with Christian, what they did with Yeji and what just happened in Yeji's office and why Christian was in surgery.

I couldn't believe anything that was happening, with every word that came out of my mom's mouth, my heart was shaking, she was really my mom?

How was she able to do all this.

My head spun in that instant, my eyes filled with tears as I know everything, but worst of all, from my own mother.

Yeji grabbed my hand and gave it a slight squeeze when she saw my jaw tighten, I was full of anger and hatred at that moment.... Eunbi had been able to try to kill Yeji and also her own son.

"I'm so sorry, Ryujin..." my mom whispered, "I.... I didn't think this whole nightmare could happen and- I hope someday you can forgive me."

I looked at her with anger and resentment. I hated her instantly for separating me from the person I loved so much and putting me through all this.

It was unbelievable.

"You think I can forgive you after everything you did!?" I raised my voice and Yeji put her hand on my shoulder.

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