Chapter 29

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After a spectacular dinner that Ryujin prepared for me, where we ate under the moonlight, danced, drank wine and had fun. We decided it was time to go home, although I really wanted this to last forever.

Being here this weekend with her, was the best thing that could have happened to me. Ryujin showed me that love can come when you least expect it, you don't have to be with a person for 3 years to say you are in love, sometimes it only takes a few weeks, when it's something real.

"If you want, you can sleep for a while, Princess, while we get home."

"No... Now, I do want to accompany you, not with my eyes closed or blindfolded" Ryujin smiled without taking her eyes off the road and put her hand on top of mine.

"Tomorrow, I'll be a bit busy, princess, but in the evening we can go for lunch or do something else? what do you say?"

"You need me so much that you want to be with me all the time, don't you?" I laughed and she smiled rolling her eyes.

"Well, you got me, Yej."

I sighed and brought my gaze back to the road we were quietly. I decided to take the window open and feel the soft cool breeze caress my face, it's a strange feeling but I like it.

We arrived in the city in an hour and a half, Ryujin took me to my apartment and then went to her's. I couldn't be happier for the amazing weekend.

As I entered the apartment in complete darkness, I felt a weird noise coming from the kitchen, my heart was racing and I slowly started walking towards there, with my bag in my hands, I don't know what good it would do, if it is a serial killer with a knife, but at least I had to try something, right?

I walked in, by surprise and turned on the lights in the kitchen. There were screams coming from my throat and from two other people.

Yuna and Lia... In the middle of the fucking dark, making out in the kitchen. At least neither was naked, yet...

"Oh my god, I'm sorry..." I turned around and walked quickly to the living room where I sat on the couch, taking deep breaths.

Lia came behind me, tying her hair while Yuna walked slowly towards us.

"Yeji, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were coming and..."

"We were trying to cook..." Yuna said and Lia hit her with her elbow.

"Of course, trying, with Lia's ass on the table.... What a great way to cook" Yuna and I laughed out loud and Lia just looked at us, rolling her eyes.

"As if you hadn't done it, Miss ~you sure dreamed it~" quickly my smile faded and I looked at Lia angrily.

"Yeah, yeah.. whatever, next time, let me know you're going to do your dirty shit in the kitchen, so I don't interrupt you" as I was about to get up from the couch Lia sat me back down and Yuna sat next to me.

"Bitch, you're not leaving here, until you tell us how it went, what you guys, did."

I had no choice but to tell them, though omitting certain things, not that I feel very comfortable telling them, how I was screaming her name while she was mercilessly shoving it into me, making me cum, then- ok, that's enough.

"Owww, how romantic!" Lia shouted and Yuna watched me, with her mouth half open.

"I can't believe this is my sister, we're talking about the same Shin Ryujin, right?" I nodded laughing and Yuna ran her hand through her hair surprised "hell, what did you do to my sister, Yeji, Ryujin was never like that with any girl, in fact I never knew her a girlfriend, she was always hanging out with women and-" Lia cleared her throat and I smiled.

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