Chapter 37

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I woke up that morning with a big headache, without knowing why and an indescribable anxiety... One that I hadn't felt in years, but I know the reason. 

Are you absolutely sure you hate her? That you don't love her anymore?

I sat up in bed with my eyes half open and looked to my side. Eunbi was on her back to me, sleeping so soundly that I could even feel little snores coming out of her nose.

I had married her out of commitment, I know, but I couldn't say I had been entirely unhappy either, above all things, I had Miki and that was important.

My feelings for Eunbi never developed, I always felt I was living with a good friend, but I had to give Miki a family, I didn't want my boy to grow up in someone else's womb.

And why was this going around in my head now? If I hadn't thought about it before... You came to mess with my head, Yeji. I won't allow it, even though you never really loved me, so I must be very attentive to what you try to do.

I got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom, taking a hot shower to release the tension I felt in my body that morning. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw her eyes.... Darker, emptier. I wondered what could have changed... Or if it was really all a farce.

When I came out of the bathroom I saw Eunbi still asleep, I decided to go see Miki, maybe he was awake by now.

When I entered the room I saw him still asleep, but it was normal, it was 5 o'clock in the morning... I gave him a light kiss on his forehead without waking him up and left the room. I hope Eunbi will take him to the doctor or I will have to take him myself and I hope I am exaggerating.

I put on the clothes I normally wear to work and after getting some papers and my keys I left the house and got into the car.

I looked at the chair next to me, remembering those times when she used to sit there, watching me while I drove. That's enough... You stopped thinking about that a long time ago. What's different now?

That she's back.

I closed my eyes for a moment and took a deep breath before starting the car and leaving on my way to work.

"Okay, Yejin... I need you to run what I had scheduled in the morning. I'll be meeting Miss Hwang in my office, okay? I'm on my way."

"Ok, Miss Shin."

I hung up and instantly got a call.


My mom hadn't changed the authoritative tone and coldness with which she spoke to me every time she called me on the phone. To think that our relationship had improved a little.

"Good morning" I replied sarcastically.

"Is it true that Yuna is here? Why didn't you tell me that-"

"Why, didn't you disinherit her four years ago, when she decided to pursue her own happiness?"

A certain reproachful tone ran through my throat. But really my mom hadn't decided my life, I myself had carved out the path I'm on.

"Bullshit, Yuna doesn't and never did know what she was doing. I hope she doesn't come to talk to me, I'm not going to receive her, I hope you tell her this, I don't want to see her, understood?" I rolled my eyes and nodded.

"Don't worry, I won't let her come to see you" with that I hung up the call and continued on my way, I was already close to the company but I didn't want to get there, I didn't want to meet a certain woman.

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