Chapter 20

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"Babe, don't be like this..."

"I'll really miss my brother..." A few minutes ago Yeji had said goodbye to his brother and had broken down a bit since they were very close.

"But I'm here... we can spend a lot of time together, besides..." I said in a whisper in her ear.

I felt a throat clearing behind me and we turned to look at Lia.

"I'm sorry, but we have to go, today's classes are very important" I cursed internally for the interruption.

"I'll take you both to university, ok?"

"I don't want to disturbing you..."

"You better give us a ride, otherwise, we'll be really late" Lia replied as she smiled at her phone.

"Can I see you in the night?"


"We can go to dinner, go to the cinema, or wherever you want..." she narrowed her eyes and smiled blushing nodding "Great, let's go."

I opened yeji's door sitting her next to me and her friend Lia was all the time on the phone, while I at every traffic light admired the co-pilot's beauty.

"You are going to wear me out" she said to me while smiling in a flirtatious way.

"No, you can't imagine how much I want to wear you out."

"Helloooo? I'm here. Careful you go too far, it's around the corner" her friend Lia said and I smiled.

I dropped them to the university. Lia went down first and said goodbye politely, but when Yeji was about to go down I pulled her by the arm and grabbed her by the back of the neck to give her a kiss that would last me all day.

"Wow..." she said taking a breath.

"Don't forget our date today," I ran my tongue slowly across her swollen lips and she gasped, "if it were up to me I'd fuck you right now..."

The sound of the phone burst that bubble and I saw mom's number on the screen. I sighed and took my phone without answering quickly because I knew how insistent she was, I threw an apologetic look to Yeji who smiled understanding and caught her lips when she came closer to say goodbye.

"It's late, Ryu... I have to go now..." She said with a chuckle

"Go..." I watched her leave and sighed to take the call from my mother who hadn't stopped.


"I came to the company and you are not here, you said you'd be early for a meeting."

"I'm sorry, I had a little mishap."

"How strange, you are never this unpunctual" she said and I rolled my eyes, as I drove on the way to the company "Where are you?"

"Mom, please-"

"I need to see you here now, Eunbi is here with me."

I sighed when I heard that name, I didn't need to see her in my office anymore, I thought I had been rude enough to her that day, so she wouldn't come back anymore. But the girl is insistent.

"Get off your ass wherever you are and get over here, quick" and with that she hung up.

I went to the company to find my mother's unfriendly face in my office and Eunbi.

"Until you decided to come, Miss Shin..." my mom said and I walked over to the small bar in my office, sipping a glass of whiskey.

"Don't you think it's too early for that?" Eunbi said with a smirk. She approached me slowly and I want to shook her hand, but she kissed me on the lips quickly and unexpectedly, making it impossible for me to refuse.

"Oh, my dear..." my mother said in euphoria, but my mood worsened and without another word I went to my desk annoyed "she'll get over it" I heard my mother say.

What did they think?

Did they think they could control me?

"Your behavior is unacceptable..." My mother said in a whisper leaning closer to me, while Eunbi bit her lip looking at the floor. Did you think you would make me feel guilty? Well, no.

"You expect me not to be upset after what she just did? you are feeding things that won't happen mom."

"You will marry her whether you like it or not."

"I won't, get it through your head and now will you excuse me, I have things to do"

I opened my computer, to start working, I was sick of hearing how controlling my mother can be, but I'm not going to accomplish anything, because there is only one person I want to be with...

my mother indignantly walked away with Eunbi leaving me with a snort.

After a few minutes Chaer came into my office.

"Ryu... How are you today?" She put some papers on my desk and sat down, putting her feet up on my desk. This woman really.

"You know... My mood isn't so good after my mom's visit, so don't challenge me..."

She rolled her eyes and put her feet down from the desk.

"And now what happened? I saw your mom leave here with the Eunbi girl, that's what's got you in a bad mood?"

I nodded, leaning my back on the chair, ran my hands over my face and she just chuckled.

"I was with Yeji today, I took her to the airport since her brother was going on a trip, I wanted to stay all day with her, but we both had things to do" Chaer smiled.

"Oh, you're finally dating her already, aren't you?"

"Yes, and tonight I asked her out. I'll start courting her" Chaer immediately started laughing out loud earning a glance from me "what's so funny, Chaeryeong?"

When she heard her full name she stopped laughing and pretended to cough.

"It's just that... Don't take this the wrong way but, don't you think it's too late for that? I mean, you've already been together and-"

"I don't care" I interrupted her. It was the first time I had ever done that with any girl, I had never wanted to do that before as much as I do with her, Yeji made me feel different than any other woman I had ever been with.


I was working all the time pulling the date time to finally see her and plant a kiss on her lips, working was difficult because it was hard for me not to concentrate having the memory of her naked body on my bed being penetrated by me, the erection was rising leaving me wanting to go get her right now and fuck her hard and fast, but I had to restrain myself.

I wasn't sure what I really felt for her, but I knew it was something unique, something I hadn't felt for anyone else. I didn't eat lunch because I was full of work and I sent a message to the owner of my thoughts, causing her to send a message with a blushing emoticon.

I blocked the phone and smiled and then finished my work. We had arranged to meet at 8 and it was six o'clock, I tried to look hot for her, I had seen how she admired my hair and I decided to let it down, this time I wanted to have a genuine date, I wanted to know everything about her.


Two chapters in a row, why not?


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