Chapter 9

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"Get your hands off me!"

Lia was screaming and struggling with the cops as they pulled us out of the car, while I couldn't believe what was happening, Did she do it on purpose? I was embarrassed with the looks of the people in the police station, I tried to ask for our phones to make a call, she had to come and get me out of here, I didn't steal that card.

They put us both in a small cell at the police station until charges are filed.

"Hey, Call Shin Ryujin, she gave me the fucking card!!!" I shouted as Lia was sitting in the corner with her hands on her face.

"Damn, what are we going to do Yeji?" I sat next to her and took a deep breath. I didn't want to have charges of any kind or have it come out on my damn resume that I had been in jail arrested for robbery.

"Calm down, they should call Ryujin and she will come and clear everything up" or so I hoped. Sometimes I am a naive girl and I trust people too much, I hope I was not wrong this time.

I don't know how much time passed, between Lia's shouts asking to be taken out of the place and glances at a damn policeman that since we arrived, didn't stop looking at me, until an officer approached us.

"Ladies, there is a woman who wants to see you"

We both stood up immediately approaching the bars and I looked at him confused. See us? You have to get us out of here now.

Suddenly I saw Ryujin enter through the door with a red-haired girl by her side, Lia lightly touched me with her elbow and I swallowed dryly. At least we were going to get out of here.

"You know them, Miss Shin?"

She looked me straight in the eyes, without an expression on her face, I opened my eyes wider for her to speak and tell the truth, the son of a b- was silent for I don't know seconds, my heart was racing with fear that she would not tell the truth and put us in a jail.

"Yes, I know them, it was all a mistake" I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, while Lia started laughing as she said to the cops "I told you, beeetch".

After a few more seconds they took us out of the cell and the first thing I did when I got out, no one expected it.

I slapped the fucking CEO of MITM CORP in front of the people present in the place, Lia gasped, while Ryujin just chuckled like a crazy woman.

"That was for taking so long to tell the truth" I walked out of the place, I heard Lia apologize and run after me.

"Why the fuck did you do that?" Lia stopped me at the door by the arm and I looked at her irritated.

"Let's go home Lia, isn't-"

"Wait" Her damn voice. I slowly turned to her and saw Lia turned away from me as Ryujin came closer to me "don't you need the money?" I rolled my eyes and approached her just inches away from her face, I don't know where I got the courage or the strength to do that and put my index finger on her chest.

"You can keep your fucking money"

I immediately left the place without waiting for Lia, got into a cab and went immediately to my house. I was too angry, my mind was foggy and I didn't know what the fuck I was doing? I had lost my virginity to a woman that I didn't know and my life was already upside down.

On the way, I decided to look for a job, anything, I could even wash dishes or mop floors, I didn't care, the only thing on my mind now was to help my mom get out of debt, even if that cost me not to continue in college.


"Yeji, where were you?"

Mom asked me while she was at the table sitting with Hyujin, eating. It was no secret to anyone that my brother was my mom's favorite, even though we were twins, there were some differences between us and the main one was that I looked a little more like my dad and that bothered her.

"I was looking for a job"

Without saying more I went up to my room and locked myself in there, I lay down on the bed and some tears came out of my eyes. My phone, I heard it ringing, but I didn't want to talk to anyone, I just wanted to sleep, I needed to rest so I closed my eyes and waited until her damn face left my head and I don't know at what moment I fell asleep.

The next morning.

Knock, knock!


I opened my eyes and looked at the clock, it was 7 am, but today it wasn't my mom knocking, it was Hyujin knocking on the door "sis, open the door, I need to talk to you."

I got up still with my eyes half closed and opened the door to Hyujin, I went back to my bed.

"Yeji... Why didn't you tell me that-"

"It doesn't matter Hyujin" he walked over to me and sat next to me on the bed.

"Yeddeong, of course it does matter.... You're my sister, how come you didn't tell me before that mom had stopped paying for your college? I can look for a job and-"

"Hyujin, you're leaving in two weeks to America, don't worry about me, ok?" I gave him a weak smile and he hugged me. My eyes started to fill with tears as I remembered dad giving me that nickname, I didn't think I missed him until now and having my brother's support made me feel better.

"No, I won't go" I immediately separated from him and looked at him confused "I called yesterday and cancelled the trip, don't worry, I'll look for a job and help you with your studies".

Was Hyujin really willing to give up his dreams to help me? No, I couldn't allow it.

"But what the fuck are you saying, let's call that place again, they still have to give you a chance, you can't stay here, come on" I pulled him by the arm to come with me but he didn't move. He just smiled.

"Yeji... It's done, once I got out there's no going back, don't worry, I'll find something better here" he got up from the bed and hugged me tightly while I cried disconsolately seeing that mom would hate me even more and because of me my brother wasn't going to America.

Hyujin stayed with me in the room, we talked for hours about what we were going to do, on the one hand we both needed to look for a job, to help mom get out of debt and to finish my studies. Obviously I was to look for a part-time job so I could continue studying and he would get a full-time one.

"Well, Yeji, I have something to do.... We'll talk later, ok?" I nodded, he gave me a kiss on my forehead and left my room.

I got out of bed and went to my phone, a bunch of missed calls from yesterday, messages from Lia and an email from the university caught my attention. I quickly went to the computer where my mail was, looked in the inbox and the first one was an email from the university.

At first, I thought it was a warning for not having paid the semesters yet, I thought I would ask them for some more time so I could get the money, but when I opened it....

Miss Hwang Yeji.

Thank you for making your payment, we hope to see you again as soon as possible in our university. Good day.

I opened my eyes wider, I couldn't believe it? There must have been some mistake or I was still asleep and was a dream.

I quickly went to the bathroom to take a shower, I had to go to the university, I had to know what was happening.


If you're wondering why there are more of Yeji's points of view, well it's because originally I was only going to write from her pov, but then I thought it would be better to do both of theirs.

Thanks for reading and sorry for any mistakes. 🦋💕

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