Chapter 19

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I walked into my apartment and everything is in complete silence, I went straight to my room and no one was there, I went to Lia's room and she wasn't there, neither was Hyujin. When I took out my phone to see if he had answered a message I sent him in the morning, I saw that he hadn't read it and I assumed she must be home by now.

I saw a message from Ryujin that made me smile, then I thought about going to the kitchen for a glass of water.

"Oh, shit!" Lia was in the kitchen and I got scared when I saw her, I thought no one was home.

"Oh god, Yeji... You scared me!" She put her hand on her chest and closed her eyes as I smiled.

"I'm cooking something, do you want to eat? " Lia said to me and I smiled.

"No, thank you, Liayah, I've already eaten..." The stupid grin I had on my face wouldn't come off all day and Lia noticed this and looked at me suspiciously.

"Ok, I think I know what that smile is about..." Lia grabbed me by the shoulders with her food soiled hands and sat me on a chair "Let's see.... Tell me everything."

I cleared my throat and I avoided her question, looking at my phone.

"Bitch..." she took my phone from me and I looked at her angrily "you're not going to avoid the damn conversation" I rolled my eyes and started telling her everything that had happened between Ryujin and me.

She looked at me surprised, laughed and put her hand on her mouth and that I left out some parts, Lia.

"Wow... Your love story with Ryujin sounds like something out of a book, an erotic book, but also romantic hahaha."

"Lia, it's too early to talk about love" I smiled at her silliness, but really didn't know if I could call it love, it was the first time I felt something like that.

"It's never too early, Yeji"

We continued talking some more, until she finished cooking, ate, and then we rested in the living room.

At night Hyujin answered my messages telling me that he had gone out with Karina, the girl I met at the bar and he also told me that his friend Yeonjun had asked about me. I wasn't really interested in his friend, even before what happened with Ryujin, I thought that maybe going to that bar last night was going to get her out of my life, but I did the opposite and it was the best thing I could have done.

Tomorrow my brother is leaving at 7 am, I agreed to go pick him up with Ryujin at mom's house, I hope she still hasn't left when I arrived, I needed to see her at least from afar and know that she was ok.

I closed my eyes and suddenly my phone rang, a notification, when I looked at it I immediately smiled when I saw her name on the screen.

Ryujin: Good night, Princess.... I hope you have a beautiful wet dream with me.

Me: Good night, you pervert 🖤.

I smiled and put my phone on the nightstand and fell asleep.



"Lia, please hurry up, we are going to be late!!!"

Lia decided to also accompany me and Ryujin was waiting for us downstairs in her car, while this bitchy was doing nothing but spinning and running around like crazy organizing her college stuff.

"Okay, we're coming!"

We left the apartment and I started texting Hyujin that I would be there in a few minutes.

"Hello, future sister-in-law."

I looked at Lia with my eyes wide open and she just smiled as did Ryujin, apparently they already had confidence? Or Lia was always very outgoing.

"Good morning, Lia."

Lia sat in the back while I sat in the front with her. I saw her lean towards me and I closed my eyes but I only felt a 'click', not her lips and when I opened my eyes, I had already buckled up. She smiled devilishly and Lia kept teasing me.

"You should have seen your face hahaha" I rolled my eyes and my gaze went to my window, Ryujin took my chin between her fingers and gave me a kiss that I really enjoyed, not even a day had passed and I already missed her lips.

She put her hand on my leg while driving, she looked so attractive that I couldn't understand anything Lia was saying, I could only see Ryujin smiling while her gaze was fixed on the road. She lightly squeezed my leg between her fingers, those little things made me feel a lot of things inside my chest. If this is what it feels like to be in love, I think I fell for it.

When we got to my old house I saw my mom leaving and I followed her with my eyes all the way until she disappeared in the street, my eyes filled with tears Ryujin squeezed my hand. She gave me a smile and so did I.

Hyujin came out after a few minutes with two suitcases and on his face I noticed some sadness. He got into the car and looked at Ryujin confused.

"Oh, Hyujin, this is Ryu- Shin Ryujin" he nodded with a sincere smile and Ryujin gave him an equal one.

"Hwang Hyujin, Yeji's older brother" I rolled my eyes and Lia started laughing.

"But what are you saying if we are the same age, silly." Hyujin always had this habit of making everyone believe that he was the eldest, that gave him some security and overprotection.

Most of the way Hyujin and Lia looked like little kids, talking and laughing loudly while Ryujin and I were going in our own world, with our hands clasped and a stupid smile on our faces.

"Yeji, your smile scares me, don't your cheeks hurt from going all the way like that?" Lia said to me and started pinching my cheeks.

"Bitch, let me be!"


When we arrived at the airport I felt a lump in my throat, my brother was leaving to another country and I felt like I was left without family, but I have Lia, my almost sister and now Ryujin too.

I turned to see my brother coming behind talking to Lia and without saying a word I hugged him, while my eyes filled with tears.


"Shut up..." I said to him with my voice cut off as my tears came out of my eyes unable to control it. I didn't want to do that, I wanted Hyujin to be happy to leave, not the other way around.

Hyujin caressed my head for a few seconds and then pulled me away from his body, giving me a kiss on my forehead.

"I have to go now, Yeddeong.... But you know I'll be here, visiting you on vacation, ok?" I nodded wiping my tears and sobbing like a little girl. As he smiled.

Lia said goodbye to him, giving him a hug and then Ryujin shook his hand.

"I hope you take good care of my Yeddeong, Miss Shin" I rolled my eyes and we both smiled.

"Don't worry, I'll do it with my life."

I blushed and looked away as Lia and Hyujin teased me, their words made me feel safe and protected. God at what point I started to feel this way.... It was no longer a secret that I was in love with this woman, I couldn't help it anymore.

We walked with Hyujin to the boarding entrance until we saw him disappear waving his hand towards us. I smiled knowing that my brother will be happy doing what he always wanted. Ryujin hugged me and I put my face in her neck, filling it with tears.

"It's ok, babe" we were like that I don't know for how long, but I wanted to be in her arms all day.


It's 12 midnight and I'm here, posting this story that's keeping me awake all night haha...

Costo, pero a qué lunes! 😂

Thanks for your comments and votes. 💕🦋

And also sorry for any mistakes.

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