Chapter 22

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"Do you think this dress will fit me?"

I asked Lia as she lay on my bed, watching me pull almost all the clothes out of the closet because I didn't know what to wear, Ryujin hadn't been very specific about where we were going, she told me it was a surprise and whatever I wore I was going to look good in. Great help.

"Why are you so worried about that? You know Ryujin is dying for you and whatever you wear you will look spectacular, look, put this on" Lia stood up with a black dress that I had bought sometime but hadn't worn yet.

"Ok" I quickly took it out of her hands and started to put it on, it was a somewhat elegant dress but it looked great on me.

"I hope she takes you to a fancy restaurant because if she takes you to a cinema, it would be a waste of clothes hahahahaha."

Lia came out of my room and I rolled my eyes as I kept looking at myself in the mirror, I put on some black heels and a nice makeup that went with the occasion, I decided to let my hair down and I was almost ready when the doorbell rang.


Lia shouted from the living room and I quickly walked out seeing Yuna go to the couch with Lia and Ryujin standing in the door with a black pants, a white shirt and a blazer, we were already dressed as a couple.

"Hi Yeji" Yuna greeted me and I smiled at her but my eyes were on her sister. She looked so attractive with her hair down, I loved seeing it that way.

She smiled at me and walked over to me putting her hand on my lower back and giving me a kiss, a delicate kiss that made me feel like I was floating, I put my hands on her cheeks and deepened the kiss.

"EHEM! are there people trying to watch TV?" Lia said and Ryujin and I couldn't help but smile as we broke away from the kiss "don't bring her late ok? Remember we have classes tomorrow"

"I know, I know..." Ryujin and I walked out of the apartment leaving the two lovebirds at home.

When we got to her car Ryujin opened the door and I smiled like a stupid girl, it's little details that made me feel unique in her world.

"You look so beautiful..." Ryujin got in and leaned towards me, but I grabbed my belt and buckled it.

"You won't fool me twice" she chuckled and put her hand on my cheek, she came closer to me again and kissed me, a delicate and soft kiss, which in a few minutes was getting a little heated, until we parted for air. Putting her forehead on mine.

"As much as I want to make you mine now, we are in a public place, babe" we both smiled and then Ryujin started the car.

"Where are we going?" I asked her as I watched the quiet streets, people walking on their way home after a long day of work.

"It's a surprise, I told you."


We arrived at a restaurant, very elegant, its decorations were white and gold, everything screamed money and there were many elegant people in the place. I felt a little uncomfortable, it was the first time I entered such a refined place, but it felt so good to be holding her arm.

A waiter took us to the fifth floor where Ryujin made the reservation.... Of the whole damn place.

"I wanted us to be alone."

The floor was completely empty and gave a beautiful view of the Korean night sky.

"Ryujin, don't you think it's a bit over the top for the first date" she smiled and grabbed me by the waist pulling me closer to her while I put my arms around her neck.

"No... It's never too much for you, princess" she gave me a kiss and my heart skipped a beat.... God Ryujin, you're making me fall in love more and more.

We parted and went to a table where a waiter handed us a menu with the expensive dishes I had never been able to taste in my life. I was living comfortably with my parents and my brother, but when dad left, things started to get worse.

"Tell me about your life, Yeddeong" I smiled as I heard her say that cute nickname, while we waited for the food.

"Well, it's not that interesting.... My father left us, my mother doesn't love me and my brother went to America hehe" I told her everything that had happened with my mom, my dad's abandonment and well, after that, not much else, my life had been kind of boring until she came along. I looked at her and she grabbed me and gave me a kiss on the back of my hand.

The food arrived and we started to eat in a comfortable silence, while I kept looking at her, every gesture? Every movement, I love her, wait... What?

People always say that when you fall in love, everything that person does, you see it in slow motion, as if you were in a drama and exactly that was happening to me right now.

"Yeji" Ryujin brought me out of my thoughts by putting her hand on my leg "are you ok?" I nodded and she put her hand behind my back and I put my head on her shoulder, this night was more than perfect. After the meal we sat outside on a balcony while we drank wine and talked about our lifes.

"Ryu..." She looked at me and I lifted my head from her shoulder "I wanted to ask you something?" She nodded and took a sip of wine.

"Who was that woman who came into your office that day?"

It wasn't that I was jealous, but the look in that woman's eyes felt like there was something between them, it was going around in my head since that day.

"Don't worry, babe... She is the daughter of my mom's best friend, she has been after me for some time, but I was never really interested in her and now even less" she came closer to me and kissed me.

"Oh, it's just that day I-"

"Shhhh let's not talk about that now, shall we?" I smiled and got up from the chair, stretching my hand towards her and she looked at me confused.

"Let's dance" I said.

"I don't know how to dance" she grabbed my hand and I leaned towards her getting only inches away from her face.

"I'll teach you" I said in a whisper and she stood up putting her hands on my hips as I wrapped my arms around her neck.

She let herself be carried by my body, both of us staring into each other's eyes, following the soft rhythm of the music.

Ryujin grabbed me as if she never wanted to let me go and I love that, never let go of me, love.

I felt a chemistry between us as if we had known each other for many years, there was nothing and no one else that night in my head, it was all occupied by what was happening at this moment, her eyes lowered to my lips and I couldn't help but do the same.

If I'm dreaming, let me live here forever.


Something romantic before...

Sorry for posting a little late today, I wasn't feeling very well.... I hope and you guys are liking the story.

Thank you so much for your comments and votes, they make my day.

Sorry for any mistakes.

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