Chapter 4

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She attacked my breasts again with her luscious lips and with her other hand slowly moved down to my clothed pussy. She started to feel it with her fingers and a current walked all over my body.

"Ahhh Ryujin!"

Yes, I'm moaning her fucking name now. I was obviously a little embarrassed by my moans and cries of pleasure, but I couldn't help it, they came out of my throat without even thinking about doing it and I knew that turned her on even more as I felt her moan as she sucked and licked my breasts.

"Fuck, you're so wet for me, Yeji."

Every time my name came out of her mouth with that incredible voice I felt the need for her to fuck me on the spot, still afraid of my first time, this woman was driving these thoughts way back on my head.

Slowly her kisses moved down to my abdomen, my navel and my pelvis, leaving little nibbles. I closed my eyes tightly as I felt her breath on my pussy and even though I still had my thong on, I could feel it as it was lace. She tangled her fingers between the thong and began to slowly pull it down, I felt her eyes on my face and I opened mines, seeing her dark ones, but something else I could sense.

"How beautiful you are."

She removed my thong completely and I felt a little embarrassed closing my legs tightly and putting my hands on top of it. I looked at her face and not at all she had an expression of annoyance or anger on the contrary, she chuckled.

"I-I'm sorry it's just-"

"I know..." She slowly removed my hands and spread my legs slightly, lowered her head until she was inches from my pussy and I gasped.

I can't believe this, my first time with a complete stranger but- my thoughts were interrupted as I felt her lips on mine.

"Ahhhhh jesus!"

I forcefully gripped her hair in my fist as I pulled my head back, shove it into the pillow. Her moans as she sucked, licked and kissed my pussy made me feel so much better, surely her lips were filling with my liquid every time I felt it come down from my stomach.

I was in heaven, I don't know for how long, my mind was blank, I couldn't think about my family, my college or money, all I could think about was her eyes, her lips and her hands gently caressing the back of my thighs as she held them. The feeling was so much better than masturbating alone in your bed, I could hear the sounds her mouth was making, of how wet my pussy was.

After a... I don't know how long really, she knelt on the bed and I opened my eyes almost dizzy, I saw her looking directly into my eyes, she started to unbutton her pants and my heart was racing much faster, it's time.... Oh!

Her cock was really huge, I swallowed dryly and became more nervous, she was now on top of me, poking my pelvis with her third leg. I had never seen one in real life, only in porn movies so I had nothing to compare it to, but surely much bigger than that of a 40-year-old man.

She continued kissing me delicately and running her fingers all over my body until she touched my pussy again.

"Ohh fuc-" I dug my nails into her back as she just watched me and stuck her finger inside my pussy.

"God, how tight you are... I wonder how it will feel to be inside you..." Her whispers were turning me on but still the pain I felt was kind of strong. It was just a fucking finger.

She kept putting her finger in gently and slowly, she leave kisses on my neck or lick my breasts, something that helped a little with the pain.

"Ahhh Ry-mmmm."

With my eyes half open I could see that she kept watching me, as if she wanted to memorize every part of my face, she kissed my lips and slowly started to insert another finger, the pain was still there, but damn, her kisses and passionate caresses blocked it a little, I was ecstatic and wanted more.
She slowly pulled her fingers out and put them in her mouth, sucking on them.

"Mmmm you taste so sweet, I love it."

How was it possible that the things she was doing turned me on even more, it was my first time, with a woman I don't know but I feel as if I didn't want to stop, even with the pain I was feeling, she definitely must be a witch.

"It's going to hurt a little more" she whispered in my ear and I swallowed dryly, putting my hands on her shoulders, my heart raced and she just stared at me as I felt the tip of her cock rub my clit.


I felt butterflies or I don't know what shit forming in my stomach, I tried to open my eyes but....

"MY GOD!!!!"

She slowly started to push her cock into my tight pussy, I felt that little by little, with every inch, she opened it even more, I couldn't help but dig my nails into her shoulders and I heard her grunt.

"Jesus, Yeji... You're-ohhhh!"

I half opened my eyes and saw her close to my face, her mouth half open, but still her eyes, trying to record my winces.


With her fingers she removed some of the hairs on my face and put her hand on my cheek, she moved closer to me and I closed my eyes, she kissed me, but still didn't move, she was waiting for my pussy to accommodate to her cock. Slowly she started to move, I could feel that incredibly painful and pleasurable rose in my vaginal walls, at some point I was going to collapse, I couldn't stop moaning and digging my nails into her back.

"Fuck, Yeji... What a delicious pussy..."

She moaned picking up her pace a little, I was a little more relaxed and our gazes met, as she kept pushing in and out her cock in my pussy, I couldn't stop watching her face, full of pleasure and lust.

"Ahhhh y-"

She ran her hand between our sweaty bodies and put her fingers on my clitoris, massaging it gently and my stomach contracted. I didn't know if I was about to come or die, but it was a delicious feeling. She closed her eyes tightly, apparently it felt really good to be inside me and that turned me on...

"Ohhh you're squeezing me more, fuck this is heaven!"

I couldn't get enough of listening to her until I felt that delicious tingling in my stomach, travel to my clitoris and start to come out... Again I dug my nails into her back, sorry, I think this is going to leave marks, but still her face showed no pain, quite the contrary.

"Ahhhh FUC-"

My orgasm came and my eyes went completely blank, she pushed her cock a few more minutes, grunting in my ear until she pulled it out, leaving me empty again and she spread her liquid on my abdomen.

I heard her moaning much louder and I couldn't breathe properly, my eyes still closed, I couldn't open them, I felt my pussy throbbing and my heartbeat was starting to normalize.

After a few minutes I felt something wet pass through my abdomen, I opened my eyes and saw her on her knees cleaning her semen. She also cleaned my coochie and lay down next to me, I closed my eyes again, I couldn't keep my eyelids open and I felt her hug me, I unintentionally put my head on her arm using it as a pillow and fell asleep.


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