Chapter XLVI

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《With Jack, Barbossa and Ruby》
The Spanish had tied the pirates to some trees near the area so that they could not continue their mission.

Jack: (To Barbossa) How's that escape route working?
Barbossa: Here's your chance to improvise.
Jack: I'm attempting it. I might be able to let a hand loose.
Barbossa: And why don't you do something, Dearie? Whenever you want you can burn whatever you want.
Ruby: Too much time in a transformation that is not originally mine spends a lot of my energy. I'd rather get the energy to create a big fireball that's really destructive than light a small birthday candle.
Barbossa: (Takes his peg leg)
Jack: Oh, you got a knife. That's very good.
Barbossa: (Pulls a cork out of the peg leg) Better. (Drinks a sip of rum he kept in his peg leg)
Jack: I want one of those.
Barbossa: (Offers him a sip)
Jack: (Receives the leg) Here's to revenge. Sweet and clear. (Takes a sip and offers to Ruby)
Barbossa: Revenge?
Jack: Come, come, Hector. If you wanted the chalices, you'd seen they were missing and gone. You were lying in wait, for Blackbeard.
Barbossa: Oh?
Ruby: (Takes a big sip of rum)
Jack: (Looks at Ruby like she's hiding something) You knew!
Ruby: It was quite a while that you were on the Vengeance while I was with Barbossa on the Providence.
Jack: Are you telling me that Gibbs also knows?
Ruby: (Takes another sip of rum)
Jack: Stop lying to me, please, Apple Pie.
Ruby: (Gives the peg leg back to Barbossa) What was it that made you realize that what Hector was looking for was revenge?
Barbossa: Good question, Sparrow. (Takes a sip of rum)
Jack: Oh, please! King George. Privateer. Wig. Cheap theatrical facade. I'm not buying it.
Barbossa: You weren't there that night.
Jack: When the Pearl was lost?
Barbossa: Taken, not lost. We were off the coast of Hispaniola when we came under attack. No provocation nor warning nor offer of parley. We were peppered with cannon fire. And then the sea beneath the Pearl began to roil. The Pearl was pitching and yawning violently. Every plank, every rail, every spar, all at once, began to creak. The rigging had come to life. Our own ship turned against us... tangling the crew, wrapping around 'em like snakes. And wrapping around me leg. But me arms were free and me sword was to hand. I am the master of me ship, not Blackbeard. I am the master of my fate, not Blackbeard. So I did what needed done. (Takes a sip of rum) I survived. (Puts the peg leg back on his leg)
Ruby: I know how it feels to loose a ship in that way, Hector.
Barbossa: You do?
Ruby: Why do you think I'm not on board my lovely Lotus Flower right now? (Drops a tear)
Jack: (To Barbossa) So... you're not after the Fountain.
Barbossa: I care not for King George or tavern yarns that give hope for a healed limb. But I'd give my left arm for a chance at Blackbeard.
Jack: (In a mocking tone) Not your right?
Barbossa: I need me good arm to drive my poisoned blade through his heart.
Ruby: I'll see you get the chance, Hector. (Burns the ropes that tied the three pirates)

Ruby, not intending to put out the fire, started to walk away with Barbossa while Jack went in another direction.

The Spanish crew could easily understand what was happening when they saw the big fire that was growing little by little.

Spanish Sailor: The prisoner's escaping.
Jack: (Climbs a tree being careful with the fire)
Spanish Sailor: He's escaping! Fan out! Find him! Go! Go! (When listening gunfires) Hold your fire! I want him alive!

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