Clarifications and Acknowledgments

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Hello! Here Noah sends greetings. I write this after having published the last chapter of the Pirates of the Caribbean saga.

I'm starting this with some clarifications about the story...


Easter Egg: In chapter LVI the Official Book of the Goddess Flame is named and it is said that it has 851,212 words. There, at the end of the chapter, I tell you that the number of pages is a small Easter egg. Now I am going to explain the reason for that number.

In the alphabet, each number represents a letter that makes up the word Hell. 8=H, 5=E, 12=L, 12=L

8 5 12 12

2 = B
3 = C
4 = D
5 = E
6 = F
7 = G
8 = H
9 = I
10 = J
11 = K
12 = L
13 = M


Two iconic words from Keys of Hell that I would like to remember. Jack's nicknames for Ruby: Apple Pie and Princess. I'm going to remind you when was the first time Jack called Ruby like that and why.

Apple Pie
➡️ Chapter III

When Ruby heard the word pirate, she hid her pendant with her left hand but the pirate managed to notice something.

Pirate: (To Ruby) You also hide something that belongs to us? Apple Pie?

There was something in the pirate's eyes that paralyze Ruby. It wouldn't let her speak and could barely move. The only thing she could do to answer the pirate's question was to shake her head again.

Pirate: For now, Apple Pie, I'm going to believe you, but the next time we see each other, you're going to give me whatever you have hung around your neck.

The nickname the pirate gave Ruby, made her paralyze even more. Not only because it was said by the man with deep dark eyes, but because as she was rather short, and because she had intense natural red locks, from birth, it made her fit the nickname perfectly.



➡️ Chapter IV

Way to Tortuga at night time
Ruby was sitting on the edge, looking out to sea, remembering the first time she had sailed to travel to Port Royal. Soon, Jack came up eating an apple, and sat next to her.

Jack: Ruby? Can I ask you something? (Gives a bite to the apple)
Ruby: Can I ask you first? (Takes away the apple) What happened with the apple? (Gives a bite to the apple)
Jack: Which apple? (Takes away the apple and bites it again)
Ruby: (Playing with a red lock of her hair) Yesterday's sweet apple.
Jack: Oh! Apple Pie!
Ruby: (Showing hate with her face) Why were you calling me like that?
Jack: Simply because I didn't know what your name was.
Ruby: But why that peculiar name?
Jack: Well, because I saw your intense red locks and they reminded me of an apple. By the way, where or how did you get them? Hm?
Ruby: They're natural.
Jack: Natural!? That's impossible. Only a mermaid could have naturally that hair color.
Ruby: (Gives him an intimidating look)
Jack: I'm so sorry.
Ruby: There's no problem. It doesn't bother me. People never believe me the first time I say it's natural.
Jack: And did it bothered you when I called you Apple Pie?
Ruby: When I was little, people bothered me a lot because of the color of my hair. They told me that and many other things. But for some reason, when I heard that nickname with your voice, it didn't bother me. On the contrary, I felt... welcomed by someone for the first time.
Jack: For the first time?
Ruby: Long story. (Takes her eyes off Jack and looks at the stars again)



Chapter XI

Barbossa finally fell dead to the ground, dropping an apple that he carried in his hand. Ruby then approached the corpse and picked up the apple.

Ruby: I've never seen a death so closely. (Bites the apple)
Will: What do you think of death right now?
Jack: Or rather... what do you think of life now?
Ruby: (Answering Jack) I don't want to lose it.
Jack: I like that answer, Apple Pie.
Ruby: Jack, I don't wanna die.
Jack: You're safe with me.
Ruby: I'm afraid, Jack.
Jack: I'm glad to hear that. Now I can be sure that you won't try to suicide again.
Ruby: I won't. But I still can't get over seeing a man die in front of my eyes.
Jack: I know how to distract you. (Puts her a golden necklace) Look to all this treasure around us,... (Puts her a golden crown) ...My Princess.



Acknowledgments: I want to thank everyone who took the time to open this story and read it to the end despite the number of chapters. I never thought I would write more than 70 chapters with at least a thousand words each. In addition to all the support received. I never thought there would be so many readings.

I'm going to do the last comparation of the saga between the Spanish version Las Llaves del Infierno and this English version Keys of Hell.

In this same chapter in Las Llaves del Infierno, we had more than 13k lectures and more than 900 votes.

In this translated version, Keys of Hell, we have *️⃣ 9,52k lectures and 167 votes.


Before going, I want to remind you one last thing. This is just the end of the original saga of Pirates of the Caribbean. But in the next chapter I'm starting a whole new movie written a hundred percent by me.

Also, if you have any questions about what has already been published, you can ask me or you can ask the characters themselves.

Now I'm ready.That was all.

Noah says goodbye.
And don't forget... Keep a weather eye on the horizon.

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