Chapter XVI

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《On the river in boats》
Will: Why is Jack afraid of the open ocean?
Gibbs: Well, if you believe such things, there's a beast does the bidding of Davy Jones. A fearsome creature with giant tentacles that'll suction your face clean off... and drag an entire ship down to the crushing darkness...

 and drag an entire ship down to the crushing darkness

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Gibbs: The Kraken. They say the stench of its breath is like... Imagine, the last thing you know on God's green earth is the roar of the Kraken and the reeking odor of a thousand rotting corpses... If you believe such things.
Will: And the key will spare him that?
Gibbs: Now that's the very question Jack wants answered. Bad enough, even, to go visit... her.
Ruby: Her?
Gibbs: Aye.

They continued sailing in the boats until they reached a shack in the dark.

At the entrance of the shack
Jack: No worries, mates. Tia Dalma and I go way back. Thick as thieves. Nigh inseparable, we are. Were. Have been. Before.
Ruby: I'll watch your back.
Jack: It's me front I'm worried about.
Ruby: (To Gibbs) Keep an eye on the boat.
Gibbs: (To Will) Keep an eye on the boat.
Will: (To Ragetti) Keep an eye on the boat.
Ragetti: (To Pintel) Keep an eye on the boat.
Pintel: (To Marty) Keep an eye on the boat.
Marty: (To Cotton) Keep an eye on the boat.
Parrot: Keep an eye on the boat.

They all went up to Tia Dalma's shack. The parrot flew away, and Cotton stood guarding the boat as his own parrot had requested.

Jack entered the shack and the others followed behind him.

Tia Dalma: (Seeing Jack entering) Jack Sparrow.
Jack: Tia Dalma.
Tia Dalma: I always knew that the wind would bring you back to me one day.

Tia Dalma approached Jack to greet him and when she saw his companions, she first recognized something in Will.

Tia Dalma: (To Will) You... In you I see a vague hint of fate covering you, William Turner.
Will: We know each other?
Tia Dalma: You wanna know me.
Jack: (Approaches and interrupts) You're not gonna know each other!
Tia Dalma: (Sees Ruby behind Jack) And what about her? (Pushes Jack to the side to face Ruby and speak to her) You are the famous Ruby Evans.

uby: How do you know me?

Tia Dalma: You had a hard childhood. Your mother beat you and you only had this friend... (Points at Will) ...To help you survive your suicide attempts...
Will: Why do you know so much about us?
Tia Dalma: (Ignoring Will and Still talking to Ruby) ...Until he abandoned you and this other man... (Points at Jack) ... Came into your life and rescued you from suffering.
Ruby: Enough! Stop and tell me how do you know so much about me if I've never seen you before?!
Tia Dalma: (Approaches her and whispers in her ear) Between gods, we know each other... Flame.
Ruby: Enough! It's ok! You don't need to continue!
Jack: It's ok, Tia Dalma. Not everyone is used to your power.
Ruby: How does she know so much about people that even she has never seen in her life?
Gibbs: (Whispering to Ruby) She is a voodoo witch.
Tia Dalma: (Turns her eyes to Gibbs)
Jack: (To Tia Dalma) We came for your help and we will not leave without it. (•••) I thought I knew you.
Tia Dalma: Not as good as I expected. Come.
Jack: (Giving Will the seat next to Tia Dalma) Come.
Tia Dalma: (Flirting with Will) What service do you need? Hm? (To Jack) Hey, I expect a good payment.
Jack: A good payment.

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