Chapter XXXVII .

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"On Stranger Tides"

Jack Sparrow was posing as Judge Smith, taking his place in court where Gibbs had been mistaken for Captain Sparrow.

Ruby was in a hallway, where Jack had tied up and locked the real Judge Smith in a closet to make sure he didn't escape.

《When Jack leaves the judge's suit again》
Ruby: So you sent Gibbs to prison for life?
Jack: Calm down, Princess. We are not going to prison.
Ruby: We?!
Jack: I paid the driver to take us to the port, everything will be fine.
Ruby: I hope so.

When they exited the building, as Joshamee Gibbs was being loaded into the carriage, and Jack and Ruby were waiting to get on as well, Jack and the driver made a gesture and Ruby saw a pirate tattoo on the driver's forearm.

《In the carriage》
Gibbs: Hell's teeth. Now we're all headed for prison.
Jack: Not to worry. I've paid off the driver. Ten minutes, we'll be outside London Town, horses waiting. Tonight, we make the coast. Then it's just a matter of finding a ship.
Gibbs: And what about the Lotus Flower?
Ruby: It burnt.
Jack: Burnt in flames.
Gibbs: The Lotus Flower?! Wasn't that ship able to resist the most high temperatures?!
Ruby: (Sad) Long story.
Gibbs: All part of the plan, yes?
Jack: Exactly. I arrived in London Town just this morning to rescue one Joshamee Gibbs from one appointment with the gallows. Seeing as how you're still alive, I'd say it's all been very successful this far.
Ruby: I can't believe that I was born in this place. That once I was happy here.
Jack: What happened to you, Gibbs? I thought you were employed elsewhere or otherwise engaged.
Gibbs: Aye. But I always listen like a thief for news of the Black Pearl. Nobody's seen where she might next make port. Then, I hear a rumor: Jack Sparrow's in London with a ship and looking for a crew.
Ruby: I also listened to that when I got here to London. In the streets they all talked a lot about it.
Jack: Am not.
Gibbs: But that's what I heard. Fact is, you're signing up men tonight. Pub called The Captain's Daughter. (Tries to drink a sip of rum)
Jack: (Taking away the bottle of rum from him) Am not! (Drinks a sip)
Gibbs: Well, I thought it a bit odd. (Drinks a sip of rum)
Ruby: (Takes the bottle of rum from Gibbs) You've never been the most predictable of sorts, Jack. (Drinks a sip of rum)
Jack: Gibbs, tell me something. There is another Jack Sparrow out there sullying my good name?
Gibbs: An impostor.
Jack: Indeed. But... an impostor with a ship.
Gibbs: And in need of a crew.
Jack: Which, as fate would have it, so am I.
Gibbs: What about you, Jack and Ruby? Last I heard you were hell-bent to find the Fountain of Youth. (Takes the Navegational Charts from Jack and opens it) Any luck?
Jack: (Takes away the Navigational Charts from him and rolls them back up) Circumstances across and forced a compelling insight regarding discretion and valor.
Gibbs: Meaning, you gave up.
Jack: I did not. I am just as bent as ever. Hellishly so.
Ruby: You told me otherwise, Jackie.
Jack: I shall taste those waters, Apple Pie. Mark my words, Master Gibbs.
Ruby: I hope so. May your obsession with searching for the fountain come back.

《When the carriage stops suddenly》
Jack: Oh. Short trip.

Jack safely opened the doors of the carriage and when they got out they saw that they were at the entrance of the prison and they were surrounded by soldiers pointing their shotguns at them.

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