Chapter 1

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February 1936

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February 1936

I stood outside of school, waiting for Steve. The snow was beginning to fall harder as the ground was already covered in a few inches. I felt someone hug me from behind, turning my head I saw Rose.

"What are you still doing here?"

"I'm supposed to walk home with Steve today. "

"I saw him a few minutes ago walking home already. It looked like him and Michael were arguing."

"Shit. I need to find him." I gave her a quick hug, walking down the steps of the school. I trudged through the thick layer of snow, pulling my coat tighter around my body. When I reached my street, I heard a loud thud and someone yelling.

"Just give up already, Rogers."

I walked closer, peeking around the corner to see Michael leaning over Steve, holding his fist up. Steve wiped away the blood from his lip showing a weak smile, "I could do this all day." Michael lowered his fist, taking a harder swing at Steve.

Oh hell no.

"Get away from him!" I ran towards them, giving Michael a hard shove. He looked over his shoulder, with a smirk. He stood up and towered over me.

"Get out of here Riley. You and Bucky are always saving this punk."

"What the hell did he do to you?"

Michael chuckled. "He heard me make a few comments about you. Instead of minding his business he told me to stay away from you."

"His comments weren't very nice Riley." Steve stood up, wiping off more blood from his face.

"All I said was I'd like to have a turn once Bucky is done." Michael smirked at me, looking me up and down. Without hesitating, I pulled my hand back, punching him in the face. He stumbled backwards, holding his nose.

"Fucking asshole." I grabbed Steve's hand, pulling him out of the alley. I felt Michael grab my hair, pulling me to the ground.

"You dumb bitch."

"Don't touch her!" Steve lifted his leg, kicking Michael in the groin. I rushed to my feet, jumping on Michael's back. I felt someone grab my waist, pulling me away from him.

I turned to see Bucky grabbing Michael, kicking him out of the alley.

"What the hell are you two doing?!" Bucky yells, looking between me and Steve.

"He was hurting Stevie. I couldn't let him get away with that."

"Okay we are going to talk about that, just hold on." He pointed to me then turned to Steve. "Why does she get to call you Stevie? You yell at me when I do it."

"It sounds better coming from her. Plus she's cute."

"You don't think I'm cute?" Bucky furrowed his brows.

"Don't make this weird man." Steve sighed, hanging his head.

"Are you two having a lovers quarrel?"

"He's not my boyfriend!" They yelled in unison. I laughed loudly, shaking my head.

Bucky glared at me. "Are you the one who started that rumor?"


"Of course not. Why would I do that to my friends?" I grinned.

Steve cleared his throat. "Best friends. You seem to always forget that word."

"Fine. Best friends." I said in a mocking tone, smirking at Steve.

"Whatever. Now back to you sweet cheeks. You could have been hurt." Bucky said in a stern voice.

"I was fine. Stevie helped me."

"Why were you and Michael fighting anyway Steve?" Bucky questions.

Steve shrugged. "It was nothing."

Steve and I both knew that if Bucky found out what Michael said, he would be livid. He would leave that alley immediately and run after Michael. Steve glanced at me, I gave him a subtle nod.

"You two will be the death of me. You're lucky I got here when I did." Bucky says frustratingly, running his hand through his hair. He grabbed my hand, looking at the bruise starting to form. "Why don't you guys come to the house and I'll get you both cleaned up."

After we took care of Steve, Bucky walked me to the kitchen. I leaned against the counter, crossing my arms, watching him grab ice for my hand.

"Don't do that again Riley. You could have been hurt alot worse than a bruise on your hand."

I rolled my eyes. "I was handling myself just fine."

Bucky gently grasped my chin, tilting my head to look me in the eyes. "Why do you always have to talk back to me?"

I shrugged.

"I'm being serious about this."

I nodded. "Okay."

Bucky grinned, kissing my cheek. "Good girl."

The way that rolled off his tongue was like honey. I bit my lip, clenching my thighs together. I was hoping Bucky wouldn't notice but when do I ever get what I want? He glanced down at my legs, keeping the grin on his face.

"You like that? Being called a good girl?"

My throat became dry. I whispered with a shaky breath. "Y-yes."

"I'll be sure to remember that." His eyes lingered on my lips before letting go of my chin. He picked me up, setting me on the kitchen counter, settling between my legs. Bucky grabbed the ice, gently placing it on my hand. "Thank you for always being there for Steve when I'm not around. Who knows the kind of trouble he would get into if he didn't have us."

I looked up, seeing that Bucky was already staring at me. "It's part of my job as the best friend. I love that kid so I won't ever let anything happen to him."

Bucky cupped my face with his left hand, running his thumb along my cheek bone. "You love me more than you love him right?"

I smiled. "I think my love for you is different, Bucky."

He leaned in, grazing his nose against mine. "How so?"

"You guys want to- oh my god!" Bucky and I turned our heads quickly to see Steve. "Sorry. I didn't know I was interrupting something."

I shook my head, jumping down from the counter. "You weren't."

"I need to head home for dinner. I was going to ask if you two wanted to join."

"I will. My Mom is working the night shift at the hospital." I followed Steve to the door. "You coming Buck?"

"Not tonight. I'll see you guys at school tomorrow though."

I nodded, putting on my shoes and coat. I leaned up, kissing Bucky on the cheek. "See you tomorrow."

Steve grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the house. "So what was that?"

I shrugged. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You two drive me absolutely insane with this stuff. You were about to kiss Bucky."

"No I wasn't. He's my best friend Steve."

"So? You two have been doing this for two years now."

"I don't want to talk about this. Can we just drop it?"

"Sure I'll drop it. But I'm picking it right back up after dinner tonight."

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