Chapter 25

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June 1950

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June 1950

It's been five years since I lost Bucky and Steve. The first year was rough but I was able to get through it with the help of my friends and family. I continued to work with Howard for the SSR. A year ago, Howard, Colonel Phillips, Peggy, and I decided to create a new agency called the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division. Since that's a mouth full, we've been calling it SHIELD. We reformed the SSR as the scientific division of SHIELD and continued to study the advanced weapons that were taken from Hydra during the war.

I walked into SHIELD headquarters, seeing Howard standing in front of the founder's pictures that were hanging on the wall. I rolled my eyes, placing my things on my desk. I walked back into the hallway, standing behind him crossing my arms.

"Why is it that every time I come into work, you're standing there staring at yourself?"

Howard turned around, smirking at me. "I look really good in my picture."

"One day I'm going to shave off that mustache while you're sleeping."

He scoffed. "Don't you even think about it."

I shrugged, walking away. Howard caught up to me, following me into my office.

"So how is Iris doing?"

I raised an eyebrow at him. "She's fine. You saw her two days ago."

Howard pursed his lips, nodding his head. "Right."

I huffed dramatically, running my hands over my face. "I really wish you would just ask her out already."

"Why would you think I want to ask her out?" Howard sat down in the chair across from my desk.

"You're joking right?" I asked in a deadpan tone. "I've seen the way you look at her. You constantly flirt with her. Although you end up making an ass of yourself because you get so nervous."

Howard glared at me, his cheeks turning pink. "I do not make an ass of myself."

"Yes you do. She likes you Howard so please ask her out already."

He avoided my gaze, staring at his hand while his finger tapped the arm of the chair. "Okay I'll do it."

"Great." I picked up a folder, opening it to read over lab reports. From my peripheral, I saw Howard get up and walk to my door. "I want to mention one thing first."

He stopped at the door, turning to face me.

"We've been friends for a while and you knew I wasn't too fond of your playboy lifestyle. So if you do anything to hurt Iris, I will kick your ass."

We stared at each other for a moment.

"I've never felt this way about someone before. I promise I won't hurt her."

I smiled. "I'll see you later for lunch."

"You really scare me sometimes." He chuckled before leaving my office.



I jumped when I heard the front door slam shut. I turned to see Iris jumping over the back of the couch, landing beside me.

"Uh are you okay?"

Iris had a goofy grin on her face. "Howard just asked me out."

"Wow he actually listened to me."

Iris gave me a questioning look.

"We may have briefly spoken about you today and I told him to ask you out. I was tired of the lovesick puppy dog eyes you two give each other."

"Shut up." Iris shoved my shoulder playfully, trying to hide her smile.

"I also threatened to kick his ass if he hurt you."

She giggled. "Well we all know you could easily do it."

Iris started telling me how Howard asked her out and what they were going to do on their first date. It made me happy to see how excited she was for this. They had been going back and forth for years flirting but neither one ever made a move. I looked down at my left hand, at the wedding ring that was still on my finger. I smiled to myself remembering my first date with Bucky. I hadn't realized I was playing with the ring until I felt Iris place her hand on mine.

"You alright?"

I smiled, nodding my head. "Of course. Come on, let's order food. I'm hungry." I pulled her off the couch, dragging her into the kitchen.

"I'm nervous already and the date is four days away."

"Why? You two have been friends for years."

"I don't know. I really like him."

"And he really likes you too. Don't freak out."

I called the pizza place, putting in our order. I grabbed a bottle of wine and two glasses, pouring some for both of us. I carried them over to the kitchen table, sitting beside Iris.

"What if everything plays out perfectly and we get married?"

I dramatically rolled my eyes. "You haven't even been on the first date yet."

Iris laughed. "Leave me alone. I've been wanting marriage and kids for a while."

"Let me guess. You already have your baby names picked out?"

"Actually I don't. I like the name Edward but not sure if I want that as a first name."

I took a sip of wine, thinking about names for her. "Oh I have one. What about Anthony?"

Iris' eyes lit up. "Anthony Edward. I like that."

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