Chapter 31

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April 2018

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April 2018

It's been three weeks since I came to the future and my mind was going into overload with how many books I read and movies I watched. Everyone gave me a list of their top picks of what I should read or watch first and so far I have not been disappointed. Although I will say after watching Titanic, I think Rose and Jack could have both fit on that damn door. When I'm not catching up on current events or laying naked in bed with my husband, I've been spending time with the team. They've been so kind and welcoming. It's nice to have people I consider family again.

I've spent a lot of time recently with Tony, listening to him tell stories about his parents and his childhood. I see so much of Howard and Iris in him that I can't help but feel a close bond with him. Tony has also let me spend time in the lab with him and Bruce so I've learned a lot from both of them. It's amazing how advanced technology is now.

I was currently in the lab, helping Tony add new tech to his suit when FRIDAY, Tony's AI, notified me that Bucky was looking for me. I made my way down to our room and found him standing in the middle of the room, his hands in his pockets.

I give him a cautious look, taking the next few steps slowly. "What did you do?"

He instantly gave me his panty dropping smirk. "I want to take you on a date."

I grinned, jumping into his arms, wrapping my arms and legs around him. He chuckled as he hugged me tightly. "Think you can be ready by 6?"

I looked at the clock by the bed and saw it was 4:30. I nodded as he set me back down on my feet. "I'll see you in a little bit." He kissed my cheek as he walked out of the room.

"FRIDAY can you please ask Wanda to come here?"

"Yes Mrs. Barnes. She's on her way."

I was standing in the closet, trying to find something to wear when I heard someone come into the room. "You know Bucky was really nervous to ask you out."

I let out a breathless chuckle, shaking my head. "He's so damn cute."

"What are you thinking about wearing?" Wanda walked into the closet, looking through my clothes.

I shrugged. "I'm not sure. I want to look good for him Wands."

"With the way he looks at you, I think you'd be okay wearing a trash bag as a dress."

I rolled my eyes, watching her continue to look through my clothes. She stopped at a navy blue dress, smiling widely. The dress had lace around the v shaped neckline and along the thigh high slit. "This is it."

Wanda looked down at my shoes and grabbed a pair of strappy black pumps. I followed her out of the closet and she laid the dress on the bed, setting the shoes on the floor. "Take a shower then we'll do your hair and make up."

I stared at myself in the mirror, running my hands down the silk dress. My hair was loosely curled and I had light makeup on. I glanced at the clock and saw it was almost six. Wanda had left ten minutes ago, she wanted to be sure she wasn't here when Bucky showed up.

I furrowed my brows when I heard a knock at the door. I opened it to see Bucky standing on the other side with a bouquet of pink peonies. His smile faltered when he saw me. He licked his lips as his eyes raked over my body.

"Um, maybe we should stay in tonight."

"D-do I not look okay?" I frowned, looking down at my dress. Bucky gently grabbed my chin, pulling me into a kiss.

"You look beautiful Riley." He smiled, kissing me again. "I'm just already thinking of taking that off of you."

I gasped, slightly shoving his shoulder while both of us laughed. I looked down at the flowers, feeling my heart flutter since he remembered peonies were my favorite. He took my hand in his, leading me down the hallway to the kitchen.

"I'll put these in water then we'll go."


Dinner had been perfect. Bucky had taken me to a nice restaurant in the city and was able to get us a table in the back for privacy.

"That was so good." I said, placing my fork down.

"I could tell, you ate the whole thing." Bucky smirked, pointing to my plate.

"Shut up. I haven't had pasta that good in a long time."

Bucky chuckled, leaning back into his seat. I swallowed thickly when I noticed him staring at me with lust filled eyes. He motioned for me to come sit by him. I slid out of the booth, taking a seat next to him. He grabbed my left leg since it was exposed from the slit and placed it over his knees. He ran his vibranium fingers along my leg up to my thigh. I felt a slight chill from the cold metal.

"Bucky." I whispered.

His lips caressed my cheek as his hands slowly made their way under my dress. He stopped his movements and groaned. "You aren't wearing underwear."

I bit my lip, shrugging. "I must have forgotten."

Bucky's eyes darkened and I felt his finger run through my folds. I gripped his shirt as my body tensed.

"We're in public B."

He let out a meek uh huh as he continued to move his fingers slowly. I bit my lip to keep myself from moaning when I felt him abruptly stop. I heard a low growl come from his chest when I heard footsteps coming closer to us. I turned my head to see the waiter approaching us. I went to move my leg off of Bucky's lap but he stopped me, keeping his hand on my knee.

"How was your meal?"

"It was great. Thank you." I smiled, trying to be polite. The man smiled back at me and I noticed his eyes glance down at my breasts. Bucky's grip around my waist tightened.

"Would you two like dessert?"

I was about to answer but Bucky quickly said no. I eyed him, raising my eyebrow at his rude response. I turned back to the waiter, smiling apologetically. "We're okay. Thank you though."

He nodded and said he would bring the check over. When I saw he was far enough away from us, I turned to Bucky who had a scowl on his face.

"Why were you so rude?"

"He was staring at your tits and he interrupted us."

I bit my cheek to try and hide my smile. I grabbed his hand, placing it on my boob. "They're yours."

"Yes they are." He leaned in, capturing my lips in a searing kiss. Bucky pulled away with a huff, looking behind me. I could hear the waiter behind me, setting the check down on the table. Bucky tapped my leg, motioning me to slide out of the booth. Bucky stood throwing some cash on the table before taking my hand in his.

"Thanks for the meal even though you thought it was okay to stare at my wife's chest."

The waiter paled, his eyes widening. I bit my lip smiling, following Bucky out of the restaurant. We spent the next hour walking around the city, reminiscing on old times together before we went back to the compound. As soon as we walked into the bedroom, Bucky made sure to finish what he started at the restaurant and quickly got me out of the dress.

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