Chapter 40

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August 2018 - Bucky's POV

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August 2018 - Bucky's POV

I stared at myself in the mirror, running my hands through my newly cut hair. Having short hair again felt a little weird but I needed to get rid of a piece that reminded me of The Winter Soldier. I removed the damp towel from around my waist, placing it back on the towel bar. I changed into a pair of gray sweatpants and a white t-shirt. I walked into the hallway and chuckled when I heard the theme song of Friends. Riley has been watching this show for the last week and has become obsessed with it.

I peeked around the corner and saw her cuddled on the couch with a blanket and bowl of ice cream. I looked at the TV and she was on the episode where Ross and Rachel get back together. Riley laughed when Phoebe started talking about lobsters. I smiled, loving how happy and content she looked. I stood behind the back of the couch and leaned down to whisper in her ear.

"You're my lobster sweet girl."

She giggled. "You're mine too."

I sat down beside her, grabbing her feet and putting them on my lap. She smiled at me before turning back to the TV.

I continued to look at her waiting for the realization to hit. A few seconds went by before her eyes widened. She looked back at me, her mouth slightly open.

"You cut your hair."

I nodded.

Riley put the bowl down on the table and paused the show. She kneeled beside me on the couch and ran her hand through my hair with a smile on her face. She grabbed a handful of hair and gave it a slight tug causing a groan to leave my lips.

"Just making sure I can still hold onto it." She bit her lip.

I chuckled. "It's a little longer than what I had in the 40s."

Riley hummed and ran her hand through my hair again causing me to close my eyes. I loved it when she did this, it always felt so good. I opened my eyes when I felt her lips on my cheek.

"You're so sexy Buck."

I leaned in, kissing her lips softly. "You are too."

I held onto her hips, lifting her up and placing her on my lap. She cupped my face, pulling my lips to hers in a demanding kiss. I moaned as her tongue swirled around mine. My lips left hers, leaving a trail of wet kisses along her jawline to her neck, sucking and licking at the skin. My cock throbbed in my pants as I listened to her moans.

"I can't get enough of you." I spoke softly against her neck.

My hands ran down her back to her ass. I rubbed her cheeks gently before squeezing them. Riley grabbed my shirt, fisting it in between her fingers as she started to grind her hips against my length. I nipped at her collarbone, lifting her shirt over her head. I sat back against the couch to look at her, my mouth watering at the sight. She wasn't wearing a bra and her perky breasts were on full display. I saw her cheeks turning pink and she lifted her hands to cover herself. I immediately grabbed her wrists, placing her hands around my neck.

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