Chapter 62

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April 2019

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April 2019

"I still can't believe you two did this to me!"

Wanda and I giggled while Tony yelled at us for the fifth time this morning. He was pacing around the kitchen, pointing at his blue hair.

"I think you look hot and so does Pepper." I smirked at him before taking a bite of my cinnamon roll.

He stopped pacing and glared at me. "And why would she think that?"

I swallowed the food I had in my mouth then grinned.

"You sent her a picture?!"

"Yes I did."

"You evil little shit."

I bursted out laughing. "You know who you remind me of? Hades from Hercules."

Wanda giggled and nodded in agreement.

Tony frowned. "Why do you hate me?"

"We don't because the color is temporary. Your hair will be back to normal in a day or two." Wanda said with an innocent smile on her face.

Tony threw up his hands in disbelief but as he was about to storm out of the room, his phone began to ring. He answered the call then looked at me and Wanda with an unreadable expression.

"It's Steve. Finish eating then come to the meeting room."

My body froze. I had been feeling nauseous since I woke up this morning so all of the bad thoughts that were now running through my mind weren't helping me feel better. Wanda placed her hand on my shoulder and gently squeezed.

"I'm sure everything is okay."

I nodded and immediately stood up to put my plate in the dishwasher. Wanda did the same then we rushed downstairs. Bruce and Vision were already there sitting at the large table while Tony was standing at the front of the room. When he caught sight of us, he placed the phone on the table and hit the speakerphone button.

"Go ahead Steve. The girls are here now."

Steve began to explain what happened with Liam then told us Liam's plan for Sharon. I sighed with relief and leaned back against the leather chair. I was so thankful everyone was okay, especially Bucky. I could easily tell Steve left out a lot of details regarding Liam and Bucky's interaction. I wanted to know exactly what was said between them but more importantly I needed to know my husband was okay mentally. I pulled my phone out of the pocket of my leggings and smiled when there was already a text from Bucky.

Bucky: I'm fine sweet girl.

Then I got another one.

Bucky: I'll tell you everything when I get home. Right after I get a kiss.

This guys turns me into a fucking puddle. I giggled and started to text back but felt someone kick my shin. I looked up and laughed nervously when I saw everyone was staring at me.

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