Chapter 28

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March 2018

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March 2018

We were standing in an open field next to a building that was sitting near a beautiful lake. I looked over at Steve unsure of what to do. He smiled and pointed behind me. I turned around and that's when I saw him. James Buchanan Barnes.

My husband and best friend were both alive. My heart felt like it was pounding out of my chest. Bucky looked very different from the last time I saw him. He was more muscular and his hair was long, almost touching his shoulders. He was wearing black jeans and a black shirt that hugged his biceps. After taking in how much he had changed, I noticed he no longer had a left arm. It looked like some type of black metal.

"Go to him Riley."

I looked up at Steve nervously. I nodded and began walking forward a few steps before I gathered up enough courage to call out to him.


He immediately stopped walking. Bucky turned around and our eyes met. His mouth dropped open.


I smiled as tears ran down my cheeks. Bucky started walking towards me and I ran into his arms. He lifted me off the ground, my legs wrapping around his waist. I could hear him softly crying into my shoulder. I squeezed him tightly before he placed me back on the ground. I leaned back from the hug, seeing the tears running down his face. Before I could say anything, Bucky pulled me into a kiss. My whole body melted. The kiss was slow and passionate. All of our emotions could be felt with this one kiss. Love, pain, everything.

He pulled away, wiping away my tears. "How are you here?"

"I have no idea. The idiot behind me showed up and brought me here."

Bucky smiled, looking behind me at Steve. "How did you do this?"

"I asked Strange for a favor. We both needed her Buck." Steve smiled, pulling us both into a hug.

"Thank you. This means everything to me."

Steve hugged us tighter. "You two are my best friends, my family. I would do anything for you."

"I missed you both so much."

"We missed you too sweet girl." Bucky kissed on top of my head.

We stood in each other's embrace for a few minutes before my voice broke the silence. "Can someone explain all of this to me? I'm trying to understand it but it's making my head hurt."

Steve and Bucky laughed, letting me out of their grasp.

"Buck will explain it all. I need to go talk to the team and let them know what I did."

Bucky held out his hand for me and walked us to a bench that overlooked the lake. We sat down and I immediately pulled him into another kiss. I could feel him smiling so I pulled away and looked into his eyes. They were still so beautiful but I could see they were filled with sadness and pain.

"How are you alive right now?"

Bucky's expression instantly changed. He furrowed his brows, like he was thinking of how to answer the question. He didn't speak for a while.

"You remember when I was captured by Hydra and they injected me with a serum?"

I nodded.

"It was a serum similar to Steve's. The serum kept me alive when I fell from the train. The fall caused me to lose my left arm."

He lifted his arm. I studied it, noticing the color was a mix of black and gold. I reached out to touch it but he flinched. I gave him a reassuring smile and he nodded, allowing me to touch it. I ran my fingers along the arm, examining it. The touch of the material felt familiar.

"Is it vibranium?"

Bucky nodded. "I got it a few months ago. The original metal one I had was designed by Hydra."

I frowned. "Hydra? What happened after you fell from the train?"

"Hydra found me. They brainwashed me and used me as a weapon." He whispered, avoiding my gaze.

"I'm so sorry, Bucky. How long did this go on for?"

"70 years. When I wasn't on a mission, they would put me in cryo freeze."

I hadn't realized that I was crying until Bucky wiped away my tears. "It's okay sweetheart. I'm better now. I had a lot of people who helped me. They got Hydra out of my head."

I sniffled. "So you're my Bucky again?"

"I've always been your Bucky. There were times when I remembered you. Something would happen and it would trigger a memory." He placed a soft kiss on my lips. "You helped me get through the pain."

"But your life was taken from you. It's not fair."

"It's not but I'm here now and I'm better." Bucky lifted my left hand, running his thumb over my wedding ring. "You're still wearing it?"

"Yes. I also never took this off." I smiled, showing him the dog tag around my neck.

Bucky let out a breath of relief. "You never moved on?"

"Of course not. You're the love of my life Bucky." I moved to sit on his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck. "I didn't want to be with anyone but you. I love you so much."

"I love you too, sweet girl." Bucky leaned in, kissing me softly. "Let's get you inside. I'm sure the team is wanting to meet you."

"The team Steve mentioned?" I stood from Bucky's lap, walking with him towards the building.

"Yeah there's a lot you'll need to catch up on. Captain America isn't the only superhero."

"Do all of them stay here?"

"Most of them do. Howard's son owns the place."

I stopped walking. "Howard Stark?"

Bucky turned around, nodding. "Him and Iris got married and they had a son."

I smiled sadly, closing my eyes, thinking back on all the memories I had of my friends. I missed out on so much by coming here. I felt Bucky squeeze my hand. I opened my eyes, seeing his blue ones staring back at me intensely.

"I miss them so much." I whispered.

"I know you do, baby."

Once we walked into the building, I saw Steve talking with two guys. I immediately recognized one of them, he looked exactly like his father.

"This is Tony and Sam." Steve said, pointing to the guys.

I extended my hand out to them. "Hi. It's nice to meet you both." I looked at Tony with an amused smile. "It's too bad you didn't get your mother's looks."

He laughed. "Mom used to say that to me all the time. I've heard a lot about you. It's nice to meet you Riley."

"Okay Buck I have to ask." I looked over at Sam, who was grinning at Bucky. "How the hell did you manage to get someone as beautiful as her?"

"Fuck off Sam."

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