Chapter 37

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June 2018 - Bucky's POV

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June 2018 - Bucky's POV

I was standing at a high top table watching Steve kick Sam's ass in a game of pool. I hated coming to these parties but Riley was not going to let me go back on my word. I grabbed my beer, chugging down the last few sips. I placed it down and glanced back towards the bar for what seemed like the hundredth time. I had been watching her all night, I probably looked like a damn creep even if I am her husband. She was standing with Natasha and Wanda but it was as if she was the only woman in the room. Her long brown hair was in loose curls down her back and she was wearing a red dress that had her perfect tits on display. Riley's lucky I let her step out of the room looking that good. My eyes raked down her body to her toned legs. I looked back up to her face and I felt my heart begin to beat faster. She had that beautiful smile on her face as she laughed with the girls. All I wanted to do was hold her in my arms, hell just touching her hand or back would suffice. I hated how damn clingy I was being.

"You look like a love sick puppy staring at her like that."

I glared at Steve who had a stupid smirk on his face. "Shut the fuck up."

I took one last look at Riley before turning my attention to the game. Steve took his last shot, the eight ball landing in the pocket perfectly.

"How many wins is that Steve?" I chuckled watching Sam throw a 20 dollar bill at him.


"I want a rematch." Sam put his wallet back into his pocket and grabbed his pool stick.

Steve chuckled, shaking his head. "Might as well give me another 20 now."

"I'm warmed up now. I got this."

Steve patted his shoulder before placing the balls in the rack.

"Oh shit."

I looked at Sam who had a shocked expression on his face. He was staring at something behind me. I looked at his line of sight and saw a man standing close to Riley. He was looking down at her with a smile on his face. She was smiling back and I took it as an innocent interaction. That was until I saw the man put his hand on Riley's back. I clenched my jaw and took a step forward but felt someone grab my shoulder.

"Dude chill."

I looked at Sam, shrugging his hand off. "I need another drink." I grabbed my empty beer bottle and walked over to the bar.

"Hey beautiful." I smiled, grabbing a hold of Riley's hand, pulling her to me and away from the guy. I looked at Wanda and Natasha. "Mind if I steal my wife for a second?"

They both smirked, knowing exactly what I was doing. I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I turned my body to face him, my hand still holding onto Riley's.

"Sergeant Barnes, I'm Liam. It's nice to meet you."

I looked down at this extended hand. I felt Riley squeeze my hand, silently urging me to be polite. I shook his hand, gripping it a little harder than I should. I saw him flinch before he pulled away from my grasp.

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