Chapter 3

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March 1936

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March 1936

I slowly opened my eyes, seeing the bright light coming through my window. I groaned and threw the covers over my face. I closed my eyes, trying to fall back asleep. My mind instantly went to Bucky. I met him and Steve ten years ago when we were 8.

"Okay kids it's time for recess. Let's go outside to the playground."

I grinned, grabbing my snack from my desk. My mother always packed me chocolate chip cookies. I sat down on the swing by myself, watching the kids play. A small blonde walked towards me.

"Can I swing next to you?"

I nodded, giving him a small smile while my mouth was full of cookies. I held up the bag to him, silently asking if he wanted one. He smiled back, grabbing a cookie.

"Thanks. My name is Steve."


We sat in silence. I continued to eat my cookies while Steve started to swing. Another guy walked over to us.

"I want a cookie."

I gave him a confused look. "Go get some then."

He snatched the bag from me, grabbing a handful of cookies and stuffing them into his mouth. I stood up quickly, pulling my fist back and punching him in the arm.

"Ouch! What was that for?" The brunette yelled, holding his arm.

"That was very rude. Don't ever walk up to a girl and steal her cookies!" I stomped my foot on the ground.

I hadn't noticed that Steve had stopped swinging and was now standing next to us. "Don't mind him Riley. He's usually not this mean."

I pouted, crossing my arms over my chest. "Who is this guy anyway?"

"I'm Bucky. Steve is my best friend."

"Well he's my best friend now." I stuck my tongue out at him.

"No he's not!"

"Yes he is!"

Steve laughed, putting his hands out to stop us from arguing. "I can be both of your best friends."

I sighed. "But he ate my cookies."

"I'll bring you cookies tomorrow. I'm sorry." Bucky held his hand out to me.

I looked at Steve and he smiled. I nodded, taking Bucky's hand. He laced his fingers with mine. Steve took my other hand and we walked back to the classroom.

I smiled to myself thinking about the memory. I've been stuck with those two guys ever since. Things between Bucky and I started changing a few years ago. I would catch him staring at me, we would flirt any chance we could, and we've come close to kissing many times. Steve is great at interrupting. My feelings for Bucky became intense really fast. Sometimes I think he feels the same but he flirts with everyone. I'm not sure what he would say if I told him I was in love with him.

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