Chapter 56

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March 2019

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March 2019

It's been a week since the confrontation with Liam and nobody has seen him or Sharon since. Nick finally came to his senses and realized Sharon wasn't who he thought she was and offered his services but Tony refused. He was so upset that it took Fury this long to see what was actually happening. As promised, I never left the compound without someone. Majority of the time it was Bucky who would accompany me if I needed to leave. He was more protective than he ever has been but I didn't complain. All of us had been on edge lately, worried what was going to happen next. I tried not to dwell too much on the unknown and I didn't want to constantly be looking over my shoulder. I meant it when I told Bucky I didn't want Liam to think I was afraid of him and I definitely didn't want Sharon to think that either. Just thinking about it always gives me a headache. I sighed and rubbed my temples before I got back to work on Redwing. I've been in the lab a lot more than normal lately. I needed to stay focused on something other than the psycho Carters and improving Redwing was helping with that.


I screamed and jumped out of my seat and landed on the ground with a hard thud. I looked up and saw Peter laughing with a huge grin on his face.

"What the hell?!" I glared at him with a hand over my chest as I tried to control my breathing. "You scared me!"

He continued to laugh and helped me off the ground. "Sorry. Are you alright?"

"Yeah." I smacked his shoulder and sat back down in my seat. "What are you doing here?"

Peter handed me his web shooter with a guilty expression. "I might have messed up the pincers again."

I groaned and took it from his hands and went to the open space of the lab. I pressed the button to activate the nano technology. Peter began to explain what happened while I took a look at the damage. Luckily it was an easy fix but this kid was driving me crazy with how often I'm having to fix his suit. About two hours later, the problem was fixed and Peter asked if he could take me to lunch as a thank you. He knew about everything that's happened so he understood that I had to speak with Bucky before leaving. I walked into the gym with Peter following close behind and my eyes immediately found Bucky sparring with Steve. My husband was shirtless and I bit my lip as I watched his muscles.

Bucky saw me from the corner of his eye as I approached them. He grabbed Steve in a headlock and grinned at me. "Hi baby."

I giggled. "Hi."

Steve double tapped Bucky's forearm wanting him to let go. Bucky smirked at me and I noticed his grip on Steve tightened. I narrowed my eyes at him and his smirk turned back into a grin before he moved his footing so he could slam my best friend into the mat. Steve groaned but quickly jumped up to shove Bucky before he came over to me and kissed my cheek.

"I didn't know Pete was coming by." Steve nodded at the kid who was talking with Sam.

"I had to fix the suit again but he asked if we could go to lunch."

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