Chapter 59

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April 2019 - Bucky's POV

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April 2019 - Bucky's POV

"It's about time you emerged from your room."

I rolled my eyes and punched Steve's shoulder.

He chuckled. "Are you guys okay?"

"Yeah. We just needed some time together to talk and stuff."

Steve smiled and patted my back. "I get it man."

We walked into the lab and my eyes immediately went to Riley. She was at her desk, laughing at something Tony said. Her smile got bigger when she spotted us and I leaned down to give her a chaste kiss. When we woke up this morning, I wanted to convince Riley to let us have another day of peace but I knew we had to leave our bubble. She went to work in the lab while I tried to get more rest. I was exhausted from not sleeping the past week.

"We finally get anything off that guy?"

Tony nodded and waved us over to his computer. "His name is Nick Benson. He said a blonde woman approached him and offered money if he was willing to go along with a game she was playing."

I stood behind Riley and wrapped my arms around her waist, resting my chin on top of her head. "A game? Seriously?"

"He said he'd seen her a few times in a coffee shop. He has no family and has a prior record so that made him a good target."

Riley sighed and my arms tightened around her.

"Sharon had it all planned out. She told Nick that if things didn't go according to plan then he was to step in and-." He paused for a second and looked at Riley with an uneasy expression. "Make sure you didn't make it home."

I closed my eyes and kissed the top of her head.

Steve let out a frustrated sigh and crossed his arms over his chest. "Does he know where Sharon is?"

"No. She never disclosed any information like that. The conversations were only about what he needed to do and how much money he would get for it."

"What's going to happen to him?" Riley whispered.

"He's going to prison."

Steve and I shared a glance then we looked at Tony.

"I know you two are worried, I am too. We've tried to track the wire transfer but got nothing. We'll get them, I promise."

"We all keep making promises about this but look at what's happened." Steve was getting more and more frustrated. "I'm done with this Tony."

Riley left my embrace and wrapped her arms around Steve's torso. He closed his eyes and hugged her back.

"You guys are doing the best you can Stevie."

"I don't want anything else to happen to you." He whispered.

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