Chapter 29

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March 2018

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March 2018

"You want to put on different clothes?" I turned away from the large window in Bucky's room, looking down at my clothes. I was wearing a light blue short sleeve button down with matching pants.

"Do I need to? Do women not wear pajamas like this anymore?

Bucky shrugged. "I think some do but I'm sure Nat or Wanda will let you borrow something. Or I can give you one of my shirts."

I raised my eyebrows, giving him a questioning look.

"Don't worry, you'll love them. And before you ask, the answer is no."

"I wasn't going to ask anything"

"Yes you were." He walked closer to me.




"Riley Marie."

"Okay fine. Of course I'm going to be curious if you've been with other women. I mean have you looked in a mirror lately."

He gave me an amused smile, stepping closer to me, running his thumb along my bottom lip.

"You're gorgeous. You always have been but now you're built like a Greek God." I looked down at his body and my eyes went to his thighs. "Those things could crush a fucking watermelon."

He laughed, scrunching his nose. Damn I missed that. "I do remember you saying you love my thighs."

My heart started racing. I've been craving this man for so long.

"I haven't thought about any woman but you. Even after getting my own mind back, it didn't feel right. I just wanted you."

"So you're telling me you haven't been touched, in any way, since 1945?"

Bucky leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to my lips. "No I haven't."

I pulled Bucky into another kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck tugging at his hair. I felt him slide his arms down my back, squeezing my ass hard. He pulled away with a smirk as he grabbed my shirt, ripping it off of me, the pieces falling to the ground.

Fuck that was hot.

I grabbed the hem of his shirt, lifting it over his head. My hands slowly ran down his chest, over his muscles. I looked at his left arm, softly touching the scar where the metal met skin. I placed a loving kiss on it, looking up at Bucky who was watching me intensely. He cupped my face in his hands, crashing his lips to mine.

His hands grabbed the back of my thighs, picking me up. Wrapping my legs around his waist, he walked me over to the bed and gently laid me down. I let out soft moans as he kissed up my neck. Bucky placed a quick kiss under my ear whispering, "I've missed you."

It sent shivers down my spine. He began kissing my neck again and slowly made his way down my body. As I reached behind my back to unclasp my bra, he pulled down my pants to remove them along with my underwear, leaving me completely naked underneath him. His eyes raked over my body, admiring me. I sat up on my elbows and could see this erection growing in pants. I bit my lip, looking up at him. He smirked and crawled back on top of me. He took my left breast in his hand, kneading it roughly. It felt so good to have his touch again. Bucky attached his lips to my nipple, causing me to let out a loud moan. He flicked his tongue against it, licking and sucking. He released it with a pop, pressing a quick kiss to my erect nipple. Bucky left a trail of kisses down my stomach until he reached my inner thigh. I ran my hand through his hair, tugging at it as he placed a gentle kiss against my folds.

"Bucky please."

"What do you want, sweet girl?"

"You. I want you."

He slowly dragged his tongue along the length of my folds, swirling his tongue around my clit before pulling it into his mouth sucking on it. My stomach started to feel heavy and I felt my thigh muscles clench around his head.

"Fuck. I missed you." I moaned.

He pulled back, locking eyes with mine while he slid two fingers in. I moaned out his name when he curled his fingers inside me and started moving them slowly. He continued to move his tongue against me, licking and sucking over my clit. His fingers began moving at a faster pace. I could feel myself clenching around him already. I tightened my thighs around his head, feeling him smile against my folds. I grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled hard, earning a sexy moan from him. Bucky continued to push me closer to the edge and I finally fell apart. I moan loudly, screaming his name. Not caring who could hear me. He pulled his fingers out, squeezing my thighs while continuing to suck my clit as I came down from my orgasm. Bucky sat bringing his fingers to his mouth, licking them clean.

Fucking hell.

I bit my lip. I could feel my arousal running down my leg. Just looking at this man can turn me on.

Bucky grabbed my hand, kissing the back of it before standing to remove his pants. He took himself into his hand and slowly pumped himself a few times. His cock was dripping with precum.

"Be gentle at first. It's been so long."

"I will sweetheart." Bucky promised, as he settled in between my legs. He placed a loving kiss against my lips.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, letting one hand run down his back. Grabbing his cock, he slowly teased my entrance. Bucky moaned into my mouth, biting down on my bottom lip. He slid his cock into me slowly until he bottomed out. He rested his forehead against mine, giving me a second to adjust to his size. I gave him the go ahead and he began to slowly pull himself out, only to slam back into me. He continued to thrust into me over and over again before flipping us over so I was straddling him.

"I need to see those perfect tits bounce."

I smiled, moving my hips up and down his shaft slowly.

"Damn you feel so good. You're so tight."

My movement got quicker. Bucky gripped my hips tightly. I'm sure I'll have a bruise tomorrow with how strong he is now. He sat up, wrapping his arms around me, pulling me as close to him as possible. "I love you so much." His lips brushed against mine as he spoke.

"I love you too." I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him into a kiss. I started to move at a faster pace, bouncing up and down his cock, letting my pussy fully swallow him. He started to lift his hips, meeting me thrust for thrust.

"Fuck sweet girl."

He dropped his head into my neck biting my shoulder. I throw my head back, moaning.

"Cum with me baby. Please."

My walls clenched around him and his cock immediately pulsed inside me. My nails were digging deep into his back, leaving marks. We both continued to thrust our hips into one another, riding out our orgasm. Bucky fell back onto the bed, pulling me into his chest with him still inside me. Both of us trying to catch our breath.

"I really missed that. We have so much time to make up for."

"Good thing I'm not going anywhere Mr. Barnes. I'm all yours."

I kissed his chest, before sitting up and slowly sliding off of him. I snuggled into his side, throwing the covers over us.

"I love you Riley."

"I love you more."

Bucky kissed the top of my head. "Not possible, sweet girl."

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