Chapter 9

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June 1936 - Bucky's POV

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June 1936 - Bucky's POV

"Okay you two get together. I want a picture." Ms. Sophia said, pushing me and Riley together. She smiled, wrapping her arms around my waist. As soon as the camera flash went off, Rose and Iris ran over to us so they could be in a few.

"Mom, have you seen Steve?" Riley asked, looking around. Sophia pointed behind my parents, to the small blonde trying to hide.

"Steven Grant. Get over here right now. It's our graduation so I need at least one picture with you." Riley said, stomping her foot. She's adorable when she's angry.

"Not happening."

Riley scoffed, turning to me. She pouted her lips, giving me those puppy dog eyes.

Fuck I can't say no to her.

I groaned walking over to Steve, practically picking him up.

"Thank you my love." Riley leaned up, kissing my cheek. The five of us huddled together, smiling for one last picture.

"Got it! It's going to turn out great." Sophia said, putting away the camera. "Riley I'll meet you at the car sweetie." She hugged everyone goodbye before making her way to my parents.

"What time are you going to Rose's party tonight?" I asked Riley.

"After dinner sometime. Mom wants me to eat with her and Daniel."

"Are you feeling better about them getting married?"

She shrugged. "Yeah I guess so."

"I'm going to be your date for the wedding right?"

"I was thinking of asking my other boyfriend. You're my backup plan." I raise both of my eyebrows. I grab her hips, hauling her over my shoulder making Riley giggle.

That's my favorite sound.

"Hey Steve! We need to find me a date for Ms. Sophia's wedding. Seems like I don't have a girlfriend anymore." I felt Riley pinch my ass. I smacked hers in return. "Watch it babydoll." 

Steve chuckled. "I'm sure it won't be hard. I think I saw Dot earlier."

I threw my head back laughing when I heard Riley gasp. "You better run man. She's going to kick your ass for that one."

I placed her down on the ground and she immediately went for Steve, chasing him through the crowd of people. I couldn't stop laughing, neither could Rose or Iris. I saw Steve spot Sophia a few feet away and he began running towards her.

"Ms. Sophia! Save me from your demon child!"


"About time you showed up." I picked Riley up, spinning her around.

She giggled and kissed my lips. "Sorry, dinner went longer than I expected."

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