Chapter 21

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January 1944

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January 1944

I leaned forward, placing my forehead against the door, trying to catch my breath. I felt Bucky kiss my shoulder as he pulled out of me.

"I'm surprised nobody caught us in here."

I turned around, pushing my skirt back down while he was buttoning his pants. "Me too since you were so damn loud."

Bucky rolled his eyes, pulling me into his arms. "Let's go. You're probably late for your meeting."

I nodded, leaning up to kiss his lips quickly. I opened the closet door, peeking around the frame to make sure nobody was around so we could leave without getting caught. We turned the corner when we saw Steve making out with Lorraine. What made this even better was Peggy saw them as well.

Bucky pulled me behind a shelf so we could watch the whole thing unravel.

"Captain!" Peggy said, causing Steve to pull away from the kiss. Lorraine rolled her eyes as she walked away from this weird lovers quarrel.

"Agent Carter, it's not what you think."

"Looks like finding a partner wasn't that hard after all."

"Well what about you and Stark? How do I know you two haven't been fondue-ing?"

"Did he seriously just say that?" Bucky whispered.

It's kinda cute how innocent he is.

Peggy stormed off, mumbling to herself.

"Idiot." Bucky and I said at the same time. We moved from behind the shelf to stand in front of Steve.

He turned around, eyes widening since we just witnessed everything.

"Fondue is cheese and bread pal. It's not a sex thing." Bucky explained before kissing my cheek. "I'll see you later."

I nodded, linking my arm with Steve dragging him down the hall so we could get to our meeting with Howard.

"Why are you even worried about what Peggy is doing?" I asked.

"Are we really going to talk about this again? Why don't you like her?"

"I don't think she's good enough for you."

He sighed, shaking his head. "She doesn't seem interested in me anyway."

"She'd be stupid not to be."

Steve shrugged, looking around the room at all the things we were working on.

"Can I ask you a question?"

He nodded. "Of course."

"Was that your first kiss?"

Steve's cheeks turned pink. "N-no. I've kissed someone before."

"Steven Grant. Don't lie to me."

"Why is Steve blushing?" Steve and I turned our heads to see Howard walking into the room.

I looked at Steve with a sly smile. "No reason. Let's show him the shields."

"We heard you were attached to yours so we came up with better options for you." Howard pointed to the shields that were sitting on a table.

Steve started looking at the shields, picking them up and seeing how they felt. I noticed him glance at the bottom of the table at the circular one. I smirked since that one was my idea.

"What about this one?" He bent down to pick it up.

"Technically it's a prototype but it's made of vibranium. It's stronger than steel and a third of the weight."

Steve continued to study the shield.

"This is the rarest metal on Earth. What you're holding is all we have."

"I really like this one."

I smiled, scrunching my nose at Howard. He smiled back. "Well you can thank Riley for that one. It was her idea."

"You knew I would choose this one, didn't you?"

I nodded, grinning at him.

"You know me so well." Steve held the shield, turning to me. "What do you think? I look good with it?"

I rolled my eyes, walking over to a different table. "It's not about how you look Stevie. It's about keeping your ass safe."

I picked up a gun, turning to Steve and fired four bullets at him. He immediately held up the shield, covering his face. The bullets didn't leave a single dent in the shield. I put the gun back down, looking at Steve with a smug grin. He slowly lowered the shield with a terrified look on his face.

"Looks like it'll keep you safe."

"Where the hell did you learn to use a gun!?" Steve tried to raise his voice but it came out high pitched.

"Peggy has been showing her a thing or two." Howard slowly walked over to Steve. They were both giving me puzzled looks.

I shrugged my shoulders, winking at them as I walked out of the room.

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