Chapter 55

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March 2019

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March 2019

The next day was basically a repeat from yesterday. Wanda and I sat in the meeting room with Tony, Steve, and Bucky while they explained what we had missed after I got sick. Sam and Clint agreed to follow Liam and Sharon to see if they could find a good enough reason to bring them in. Maria thinks forging the information on the SHIELD file was enough to at least question Liam but Fury wanted something more concrete. Needless to say, the guys are very pissed off. They think Fury is trying to somewhat defend Sharon because he doesn't fully believe she would do something so vindictive. Since we had eyes on the psycho Carter siblings and after much bickering with Bucky, he agreed to let me go into the city with Wanda and Natasha. They had scheduled appointments for us to have a spa day which we desperately needed. On our way back to the compound after lunch, we passed a cute vintage bookstore that we decided to stop at. Natasha opted to stay in the car so she could check in with Sam and Clint. Wanda and I went our separate ways when we walked into the store, she knew what book she was looking for while I aimlessly walked around. I was venturing further towards the back of the store but bumped into someone when I turned the corner of the aisle.

"I'm so sor-." I stopped talking when I looked up and saw it was Liam.

He smiled. "Hey."

I swallowed thickly and started to walk backwards but he grabbed me and shoved me into the bookshelf. I winced and tried to push him away but he held my arms down.

"Let's not make a scene right now." His grip on my arms tightened.

"Why? Because you know I can kick your ass?"

He chuckled and ignored my question. "I gotta give props to Sam. He's good at tailing someone but I figured it out quickly. It wasn't easy to slip away but I needed to see you." He studied my face, leaning closer to me. "You found out about my little lie."

"Yeah I did."

He hummed. "I thought my story was pretty solid."

"Except you forgot that my husband and best friend are very protective. They immediately knew something was wrong."

"But you didn't."

I rolled my eyes. "Because you used my emotions against me but I had my doubts."

"I think deep down you wanted to get to know me regardless of the story I told you."

"And why would I do that?"

"You're attracted to me." Liam grinned.

I laughed humorlessly. "Get over yourself. Just tell me why you're doing this."

He removed his hands from me. "Sharon is determined to get what she wants. That was my way in to help."

"She's crazy. All of this just for my husband?"

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