Chapter 16

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June 1943 - Bucky's POV

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June 1943 - Bucky's POV

I received the news yesterday of my orders. I was being shipped off to England tomorrow and I was a little annoyed that my last night with my wife and best friend was being spent at the Stark Expo. I would rather go for pizza then spend the rest of the night naked with Riley. Once I told her about my orders and how quickly I was leaving, she locked herself in our room for two hours. I sat in the hallway and waited. I could hear her crying and it took everything in me not to break down the door. When Riley finally opened the door, she didn't say anything. She stood in the doorway, staring at me until she grabbed my shirt and pulled me into the room. We had sex three times before she let me leave the room. When I tried to talk to her about everything, she would shut me up by throwing her tits in my face.

Definitely not complaining though. They're perfect.

Now here I was, standing around like an idiot waiting on Steve. I was getting antsy since I had been here for 10 minutes when I heard a commotion coming from the alley. I walked over and of course there was Steve, getting his ass kicked. I grabbed the guy by the shoulder, throwing him to the ground.

"Pick on somebody your own size."

He quickly got up and tried to swing at me. I dodged his fist, punching him in the face. He held his broken nose, running out of the alley. I turned to see Steve wiping blood from his nose.

"Sometimes I think you like getting punched."

"I had him on the ropes."

I shook my head, noticing a piece of paper on the ground. I reached down to pick it up and saw that Steve was rejected from the Army again.

This idiot.

I sighed. "It's illegal to lie on the enlistment form. How many times are you going to do this?"

Steve pointed to my uniform. "You get your orders?"

"Sergeant James Barnes leaves for England tomorrow morning."

Steve slowly nods. I laughed, throwing my arm around his shoulders. "Come on man. There is a special lady waiting to meet up with us. I'd rather be doing something else with my last night but let's make the most of it."

"I should be going with you."

"Just think, you'll be the last eligible bachelor in New York. Make sure you watch out for Riley though."

Steve scoffed. "You know I will, she's my best friend."

"Yeah well she's my wife." I playfully nudged Steve as we made our way to the Expo. I looked around the crowd and saw Riley, standing at the entrance twirling her hair around her finger. This woman was completely oblivious to how beautiful she was.

"Looking good Sarge." Riley looked me up and down, smirking.

"Hey Mrs. Barnes. You ready for the Expo?"

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