Chapter 51

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March 2019

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March 2019

The weeks had gone by quickly and it was finally Bucky's birthday. I arranged for us to stay the weekend at a cabin that was a few hours away from the compound. The place was cozy and spacious and sat right next to the lake. Our first day we decided to walk around the cute town and venture into all the shops they had. That evening we cooked dinner together then sat by the fire pit roasting marshmallows and making smores. I woke up the next morning wrapped in Bucky's arms. I slowly slid myself out of his grasp, careful not to wake him. I threw on his t-shirt and walked into the kitchen to start making breakfast. Once it was done I platted the eggs, bacon, and pancakes for him and went back to the bedroom. Bucky was now sprawled out on the bed with his face smushed into the pillow. I put the plate on the nightstand and sat down next to him.

"Baby." I whispered, running my hand up and down his back.

Bucky groaned but didn't move. I said it again a few more times and he eventually lifted his head to look at me. I bit my lip and giggled at his bed head. He gave me a lopsided grin and rolled over so he could sit up. Bucky grabbed me and pulled me into his lap.

"Happy Birthday." I placed a kiss on his lips.

"Thank you sweet girl."

I pointed to the plate of food. "I made you breakfast."

Bucky smiled. "But I want you as my breakfast."

I giggled as he ran his hands down my back to my bare ass. He squeezed it and brought me closer to his body.

"I have a surprise for you later."

"Oh yeah?" He ran his nose along my neck until he got to my earlobe and bit down gently. "Is it my birthday present?"

A faint moan left my lips. "I guess you'll have to wait and see."

Bucky pulled back and looked at me with a huge grin on his face.

"So breakfast in bed or do you want to sit on the porch?"

Bucky looked out the window then back at me. "Porch. It looks like it's going to be a nice day."

I stood from the bed so we both could put on proper clothes. He picked up his plate and grabbed mine from the kitchen while I got us both a cup of orange juice. We sat on the porch for a while after we ate, talking about random things and enjoying the view. Being here with him made me feel at peace. A relaxing weekend away with my husband was exactly what we needed. After we took a shower, Bucky started watching a basketball game while I cleaned up the kitchen. Afterwards, I started to get ready for his birthday present. I changed my clothes, applied light makeup, and fixed my hair. I brought a chair from the kitchen into the bedroom and placed it in front of the king bed. I checked myself out in the mirror, making sure I looked good and took a deep breath. I was excited but also nervous that I wouldn't be able to give him exactly what he wanted.

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