Chapter 47

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October 2018

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October 2018

After a long flight on Tony's private jet we finally arrived at the island of Mykonos. As soon as we walked out of the airport, the salty warm breeze hit me and I couldn't help but smile. I had always loved being at the beach. Growing up in the time period I was born in wasn't always great but my parents did everything possible to give me a great life. My Dad knew how much my Mom and I loved the beach so he would take us a few times throughout the year. So much reminded me of my parents but the beach would always hold a special place in my heart.

I stood back while Bucky was talking to a man that was giving us our car rental. Leave it to Bucky to rent an extravagant sports car. I'm honestly surprised a motorcycle wasn't waiting for us. I watched Bucky talk to the man then shifted my gaze to his arms, watching his muscles as he picked up our luggage and placed it in the trunk. He looked so handsome in his light blue button down shirt. It went great with his eyes. It took around 30 minutes for us to arrive at the house we would be staying at for the next three weeks.

"Let's check out the house then I'll grab the luggage." Bucky smiled, getting out of the car.

I smiled back and looked at the house. It was a beautiful ranch style villa that consisted mostly of windows and sat right on the beach. As we approached the front door, Bucky quickly wrapped his arms around me and picked up bridal style, causing me to let out a squeal. He opened the front and walked inside with me still in his arms.

He placed a quick kiss on my lips as he set me on the ground. I grabbed a hold of his hand while we walked through the house looking at all the rooms. The furniture was all white with splashes of tropical colors around the house. To the right of the entrance was a large kitchen and two bedrooms. To the left was the master bedroom. The rear wall of the room had a large glass double door that led straight to the extravagant private deck. It had couches, sun loungers, and a pool.

Bucky kissed my cheek and went back out to the car to get the luggage. I walked into the master suite and immediately felt my stomach do somersaults. There was a California king bed in the middle of the room. It looked so comfy, part of me was tempted to jump onto it and take a quick nap. This room also had a large glass double door that led outside. I had realized Bucky was already back in the house until he walked past me and opened the door, letting the breeze in. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to him, wrapping his hands around my waist.

"Do you like it?" He whispered against my lips.

"Of course I do. This place is beautiful."

"So you're happy?"

I took his gorgeous face in my hands, getting on my tippy toes to capture his lips in a sweet kiss.

"I'm always happy if you're with me."

"So cheesy." Bucky had a cheeky grin on his face.

I reached around his muscular body and pinched his butt. He squirmed away from me, grabbing my waist and throwing me over his shoulder. He tossed me onto the bed, crawling on top of me.

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