Chapter 10

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August 1936 - Bucky's POV

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August 1936 - Bucky's POV

Two months. That's how long it's been since I've seen Riley and I'm going insane. Riley spent the summer in South Carolina with her mother. She was finally coming home today and asked if Steve and I could help move her into the new apartment.

I didn't even have time to knock before her door opened. She squealed and jumped into my arms, wrapping her legs around my waist.

"I missed you."

"Fuck me too pretty girl. I'm so glad you're back." I said, hugging her tightly. I walked into her apartment, kicking the door shut behind me. Riley grabbed my face in her hands, kissing me hard. Her lips moved fervently against mine. I couldn't help but let a moan slip out.

"The quicker we move my stuff, the quicker we can get back to doing this." Riley said, running her hands through my hair.

"I know but we can at least make out until Steve gets here."

Riley giggled, kissing me again. I walked us to the couch, gently laying her down. I ran my lips against her jawline, making my way to her ear. She let out a soft moan when I nibbled on her earlobe.

She's so damn perfect.

"I need to hear more of those sounds from you."

Riley nodded and I placed a soft kiss right below her ear. I nipped at her collarbone while my right hand ran down her stomach.

"Hey guys. Sorry I'm la- oh my gosh!" I snapped my head toward the door, to see Steve covering his eyes.

I growled, throwing my head into Riley's neck. She couldn't stop laughing, pushing me off of her.

"Sorry Steve. She couldn't keep her hands off me."

Riley scoffed. "You were on top of me Bucky."

"Do I need to come back later?" Steve said with his eyes still covered.

Riley walked over to him, removing his hands. "Let's get this over with guys. I'm already tired from moving and we haven't even started."

I rolled my eyes. "Lazy ass."

It took us two hours to get everything into Riley's apartment. I carried another box in and decided to take a break. I grabbed a glass of water and made my way to the couch.

"Hey princess. We're not done yet." Riley said with her hands on her hips.

"I'm tagging out. I did all the heavy lifting."

She walked over to me and I grabbed her hips, pulling her onto my lap.

She giggled, wrapping her arms around my neck, kissing my cheek. "You're right. Thank you for helping. I know it's not an ideal way to spend a Saturday."

"Anything for my girl."

I moved a piece of her hair behind her ear, placing a soft kiss on her neck. Riley grabbed a handful of my shirt and pulled me to her lips.

"Can I get some help with- you two are damn animals."

Riley laughs against my lips. I glare at Steve.

Such a cockblock.

Riley jumped up and rushed over to grab a box from Steve. "Sorry Stevie."


"You're staying here tonight, right? Steve obviously is." Riley pointed to the couch where Steve was passed out. His mouth was open, lightly snoring.

"Poor kid didn't make it ten minutes into the movie." I said, shaking my head.

Riley stood up, holding her hand out for me. "Let's go to bed."

I jumped to my feet, walking quickly to her room. I closed the door, making sure to lock it. I don't need Steve interrupting anything for a third time. I walked up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist. I pressed a soft kiss to her shoulder.

"I missed you so much."

"Show me how much B."

I smirked, pulling her closer to me. She gasped when she felt my hard cock against her ass. Riley turned her head, pulling my face down, our lips crashing into a desperate kiss. I reached into her shorts, feeling she wasn't wearing any underwear.

"You were walking around Steve with no underwear on?"

"I must have forgotten to put some on." She said, smirking.

I rolled my eyes, moving my hand further down, placing my fingers against her wet folds. I slowly moved them, spreading her arousal. A soft moan escaped her lips when I started rubbing her clit.

"You're so wet for me."

"Please Bucky. Don't tease me tonight."

I chuckled, gently biting down on her earlobe. "I won't. Take off your clothes. Get on the bed on all fours."

Riley quickly pulled away from me, ripping off her clothes and crawling onto the bed. I took my clothes off just as fast, grabbing my cock stroking it a few times while staring at her ass. I settled in behind her, rubbing my tip against her folds. Riley pushed her ass towards me, wanting more friction. I smirked thrusting into her, causing her to let out a loud moan.

"I need you to be quiet. We don't want to wake up Steve, do we?"

Riley shook her head, looking back at me while biting her lip. I pulled out and slowly pushed back into her until I bottomed out. I could see her grabbing the sheets, desperately trying not to moan. I started slamming into her over and over again.

"Bucky I'm-"

Before she could finish her sentence, I felt her clench around me tighter than she had before. I looked down, watching myself slide into her. I could see her dripping down my cock onto my thighs. I tried my best to contain my own moans from how good she felt around me. I reached around and started playing with her nipples. Riley fell to her elbows letting out the sexiest moan I've ever heard.

"As much as I love hearing you, you need to be quiet. Be a good girl for me."

I continued a punishing pace against her, watching her ass jiggle with every thrust. I grabbed a handful of her hair, pulling her back to my chest. I wrapped my other arm around her waist to keep her steady. Looking down at her beautiful face, all I saw was her in pure ecstasy.

"I'm close again B."

"I know, I can feel you. Hold it for me sweet girl."

"I can't." A small whine escaped her lips.

I felt my high approaching quickly so I began to thrust harder and faster. I captured her mouth with mine to silence both of our moans as we released at the same time. I pulled away, both of us panting and sweating. I gently pulled out of her, helping her lay down on the bed. Riley could barely keep her eyes open.

I placed soft kisses along her back and shoulders. "Get some sleep sweetheart."

She mumbled something into the pillow, pulling the covers over herself. I slid in behind her, pulling her into my chest. I smiled to myself as I fell asleep since I finally had my girl back in my arms.

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