Chapter 19

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November 1943

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November 1943

It's been four months since I've seen Bucky. I've been staying busy with the Strategic Scientific Reserve, working with Howard on other projects as well as continuing to help with Project Rebirth. Steve was currently in Italy for one of the many stops on his tour.  Howard and I, along with other SSR members, were sent there to keep an eye on things. I stood in the back of the crowd with Howard while Steve gave his speech wearing his cute red, white, and blue outfit. I heard commotion from the crowd of soldiers and saw they were heckling Steve off the stage. He had a look of defeat on his face.

"I'm going to go talk to him."

Howard nodded. I walked behind the stage, searching for Steve, when I found him drawing. I glanced over his shoulder to see him drawing a monkey holding a shield.

"Is that monkey supposed to be you?"

Steve whipped his head around, a smile forming on his face. "What are you doing here?"

"SSR stuff. I saw some of the performance." I sat down beside Steve, nudging him with my knee.

Steve sighed, rolling his eyes. "I really hate this."

"You're spreading hope and encouragement Mr. Star Spangled Man With a Plan." I smirked seeing Steve blush.

"At least I'm doing this. Colonel Phillips would have put me in a lab if Senator Brandt didn't suggest this."

"You really think those are your only two options? You were meant for so much more Stevie."

"I'd like to believe so."

We heard someone clear their throat behind us. I turned to see Peggy. I frowned when I noticed her uneasy demeanor. Steve stood, holding his hand out to help me stand.

"What's wrong?"

"200 of our men went up against Schmidt, less than 50 returned. I just found out the audience today is what was left of the 107th. The rest were killed or captured."


Steve immediately grabbed my hand, pulling me with him as we ran to the tent to speak to Phillips.

"I need the casualty list from Azzano."

Phillips glared at Steve. His eyes softened when he noticed me.

"Please. You know my husband was in the 107th, just tell us if James Barnes is on that list." I pleaded with him, tears filling my eyes. I felt Steve squeeze my hand.

Phillips sighed, nodding his head. "I'm sorry but he didn't make it back."

It felt like I couldn't breathe. My knees gave out and I fell to the ground as I began to sob. I felt someone pick me up and carry me out of the tent.

"Breathe Riley. I need you to breathe."

I opened my eyes, seeing Howard. "S-Steve. I-I n-need Steve." He put me down inside a different tent, wrapping me in a hug and holding onto me as I cried into his chest. 

I heard muffled voices come into the tent. Howard let go of me and I felt a familiar body next to me. "Riley, I need you to look at me."

"I can't do this Stevie."

"Please." Steve's voice was laced with sadness.

I looked at him, he had his own tears in his eyes. "I don't think he's gone."


"I'm not convinced that he's gone. I'm going to go find out and bring back all the men that were captured."

"I'm g-going with y-you."

Steve looked at me like I was crazy. "No you're not. You're staying here."

I nodded. Steve kissed my cheek, wiping away my tears. Steve was hopeful of situations, always trying to see the good side of things. I already knew that he was perfect for Project Rebirth but seeing him disobey orders and put his life on the line to help other people, proves it even more.

Steve gave me one last kiss on the cheek before he took off with Howard and Peggy. I was stuck here with Colonel Phillips and the other soldiers. I walked out of the tent, wanting to avoid any conversation with Phillips.

"Where is Rogers?"

I froze mid step. I turned around, seeing Phillips standing there with his arms crossed.

"H-he is having a hard time accepting that Bucky is gone. He needed time alone."

Phillips stared at me, giving me the "yeah right" look. "He didn't leave to go play the hero?"

I shook my head. "No sir. Steve would never do that." I turned back around, a small smile forming on my lips. I played with my wedding ring as I continued to walk.

"Please come back to me." I whispered to myself.


It's been a day and nobody has heard anything. I was making my way to see Colonel Phillips. When I got to the tent, I glanced inside to see the Corporal sitting behind a typewriter while Phillips was reading a letter out loud.

"Senator Brandt, I regret to report that Captain Steven G. Rogers went missing behind enemy lines-"

I sighed, walking further into the tent. "We don't know what has happened yet so why are you even doing this?"

Colonel Phillips glared at me before asking the Corporal to give us a minute.

"I can't believe you three did this." He shook his head in disbelief. "I can't touch Stark. He's rich and the Army's number one weapons contractor.  But you and Peggy are neither of those."

"With respect, I don't regret my actions and I'm sure Peggy doesn't either."

Before he could respond, we heard a commotion outside. I turned my head to see soldiers running towards something. I followed Colonel Phillips outside. I pushed through some of the crowd until I saw a group of men walking towards us. At the front was Steve and Bucky.

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