Chapter 14

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December 1941

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December 1941

Bucky and I had been married for two years now and everything was still perfect. He of course harassed me every so often about having children. It was worse last year after I graduated from NYU. We actually thought I was pregnant last September around my birthday but I wasn't. After graduating, I wasn't exactly sure what I wanted to do with my degrees so until I figured it out, I was hired as a nurse at the local hospital. I was an ER nurse just like my mother and it definitely kept me on my toes. My schedule was a bit hectic at first so that's one reason why I kept pushing off kids. I originally wanted to establish myself within my career first but I didn't want to keep Buck away from what he really wanted. It was now the first day of December and we were getting out the decorations for Christmas. I was so excited because I had plenty of ideas on what to get my husband. But the one present that he would be over the moon for was I was going to finally agree to have a baby. Bucky was going to be an amazing father and I can't wait to see the smile on his face Christmas morning.

"I got the tree ready for you sweetheart."

I hear Bucky yell from the living room. I smiled, grabbing two mugs from the cabinet and pouring us hot chocolate. I walked into the living room, giving Bucky a quick kiss before handing him his mug.

"I need to find the box that says tree decorations."

"You mean you need me to find it?" Bucky asked, smirking at me.


He laughed, placing his mug on the coffee table. I sat mine down beside his, following him to the many boxes that were on the floor.

"We have too much shit."

I rolled my eyes. "No we don't."

After looking for a few minutes, he finally found it and we began placing the lights on the tree. It took us longer than expected because Buck couldn't keep his hands off me. A few make out sessions never hurt anybody. We finally got to the ornaments and the first thing Bucky did was drop one.

"Bucky." I whined.

"I'll buy you a new one."

And that said a few more times. That damn man was never clumsy until it came time to pick up a Christmas ornament.

"Here you go, stud." I said handing Bucky the star. He grinned, taking it from me, placing it on top of the tree.

He stood behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. We stood in silence for a few minutes admiring our tree that sat in front of the window. The snow was gently falling outside. It was picture perfect. I felt Bucky kiss my cheek.

"What's next beautiful?"

"We can do the outside lights next weekend so I think it's time to bake cookies."

"I love it when you talk dirty."

"You're an idiot." I said, laughing. Bucky began tickling my sides. I pushed away from him, running into the kitchen. He caught up to me, throwing me over his shoulder, smacking my ass a few times.

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