Chapter 54

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March 2019 - Bucky's POV

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March 2019 - Bucky's POV

Two days have passed since the shit show that was Sharon Carter and Liam Chase. Riley and I had another talk about everything and even though we were okay, I was still terrified that she was going to leave me. I'll never forget the heartbroken look she had on her face that night. Just the thought of being with someone that wasn't her made me sick to my stomach. Tony had called an early meeting this morning with the entire team, including Riley, to talk about the latest news on Liam. I don't know why Sharon would go through these lengths just to end my marriage, if that's what her actual plan is. She really is a crazy bitch. I sat at the table next to Steve waiting for everyone to arrive. Riley was one of the last people to come in and she made her adorable pouting face when she saw there wasn't a seat available next to me. Natasha grabbed her hand and pulled Riley to the seat that was beside her. Nat looked over at me and winked which made me roll my eyes.

"Maria found out Chase is not Liam's last name. It's his middle name." Tony said as he walked into the room, holding up a folder.

"What's his last name then?" Nat asked.

"Carter." Tony placed the folder down in front of me. "Sharon's mother adopted him when he was a baby."

The entire room went quiet, nobody made a sound. Steve and I both looked at Riley and I couldn't determine the look on her face. It was a mix of multiple emotions. Natasha reached over and grabbed Riley's hand, giving it a squeeze.

"So Riley was right. They're working together." Steve said.

"Do we really think they're goal is to break you two up?" Sam asked, looking between me and Riley.

I shrugged. "He probably wanted to get close to Riley to make her believe she couldn't trust me. Make her believe that I wanted Sharon and not her."

Steve leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms over his chest. "They know how close Riley and Tony are and thought they could use that to their advantage by saying Liam was Rose's grandson."

"Fucking assholes." Wanda said through gritted teeth.

Riley had remained quiet, not saying a word. I looked at her when Tony said her name.

"You alright shortcake?"

Riley looked up and noticed that everyone was now looking at her. She shook her head and stood up. "I'm going to be sick."

I followed her as soon as she ran out of the room. I waited in the hallway and leaned back against the wall, hating how upset this was making her. Wanda stepped out of the meeting room and asked how Riley was.

"She hasn't come out yet." I looked back towards the bathroom door. "You alright baby?"

I heard a faint yes. A few minutes later Riley came out of the bathroom and I could tell she had been crying. She immediately wrapped her arms around my waist. I held her tightly and kissed the top of her head.

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