Chapter 49

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February 2019

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February 2019

The days passed quickly and before I knew it, it had already been four months since my wedding. As promised, we spent Christmas in Malibu and went to Disneyland. I think the adults had more fun than the kids did. I had never seen Steve so excited for anything before. The minute we stepped into the park, he grabbed my hand and we took off. I absolutely loved it. The rides, the food, meeting the characters, everything was perfect. Despite loving Disneyland so much, waking up Christmas morning was the best part of the trip. There was nothing better than being with Bucky surrounded by our family. Buck and I had agreed, with much push back on my end, we wouldn't do presents this year. He told me having me here was all he could ask for. But did I listen? Nope. Steve helped me pick out a new watch for Buck and Tony helped me find a first edition copy of The Hobbit. Bucky wasn't surprised I didn't listen to him because he didn't listen either. He gave me a matching necklace and bracelet that had both of our birthstones, aquamarine and sapphire, with tiny diamonds surrounding them that made an infinity shape.

New Year's Eve was more laid back than Christmas. Instead of a party, the team decided to order pizza and have a movie night. I thought having a night like this was way better than getting dressed up for a fancy party. The night was filled with so much laughter as we looked back on memories from the Christmas trip and talked about the future. While everyone began to voice what their New Year's resolutions were, Bucky and I remained silent. He had his arm locked around my body, keeping me as close to his body as he could. When we made eye contact, we could see it in each other's eyes that the only thing we wanted for the upcoming year was a baby.

A few days after Bucky and I returned from our vacation, we had an appointment to speak to a doctor and immediately began trying but haven't had any luck yet. It was disappointing and Bucky believes it's his fault because of the super soldier serum. I've had to reassure him many times that I didn't blame him for anything, we just needed to have hope because I knew we are meant to have a family. We agreed we would keep trying but if we were still having trouble by the end of the year, we would speak with a doctor again. Bruce already agreed to get us in touch with the best doctor he knows if it was necessary.

With this news and after days of talking, Bucky and I made the decision together that he would go back to work. He was hesitant at first but promised that if I did get pregnant, he would immediately stop and devote all his time to me and the baby. At the end of January, Tony sent Bucky on his first mission with Sam and Natasha. In all honesty, I was nervous because of how things ended for us the first time but I knew he would come back to me. Now Bucky was on his second mission and had only been away four days but it felt like months had gone by. I missed him so much and was ready for him to be back in my arms.

The ding of the elevator pulled me from my thoughts and I walked into the hallway and towards Fury's office. Maria had stopped by the compound yesterday and asked if I was finally ready to come by SHIELD headquarters. I had been here for almost a year and knew it was time. The door opened before I even had the chance to lift my hand to knock.

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