Chapter 15

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December 1941

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December 1941

"So you aren't even going to tell him? Seriously?"

I sighed, falling face first into Rose's bed. It had been two days since I found out Bucky would be leaving for training. Part of me was hoping this would never happen but maybe that was because I was in my own little world of finally starting a family. I turned my head to the side, looking at Rose and Iris, who looked concerned.

"What am I supposed to do? I don't think we can do this right now. Who knows how long he will be gone."

Iris gave me a sad smile, gesturing for me to come over to her. I shuffled around the bed, placing my head in her lap. She began playing with my hair, knowing that would sooth me.

"I still think you should tell him. Maybe things will get better and the guys won't actually be sent away."

"I shouldn't have waited so long. I feel so bad."

Rose grabbed my hand, gently squeezing. "Don't do that. Nobody could have known this was going to happen. Talk to him tonight so you guys can have a great holiday together. He'll be leaving after Christmas."

I nodded. "Okay I'll talk to him."

"Have you talked to Steve? I tried calling him yesterday." Iris said as she continued playing with my hair.

"He got rejected. He called us yesterday morning so Bucky is over there now. Knowing Steve he'll do something stupid."

"What do you think he would do?" Rose questioned.

"I don't know but I'm sure it'll be something that will get him in trouble."

After a few hours, I finally decided it was time to go home and face my husband. I've never been so nervous to have a conversation. I walked into the house and Bucky was in the kitchen preparing dinner. I stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame watching him. He had his back towards me and was humming our wedding song.

"Hi Bucky." I said barely above a whisper.

He turned around with a loving smile on his face. "Hey you." Bucky walked towards me and brought me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his waist, nuzzling my face into his chest.

"How was your day?"

"It was good." I sighed, wrapping my arms tighter around him. Bucky gently grabbed my arms pushing me away from him.

"What's wrong?"

I looked down at the floor, nervously playing with my fingers. "Can you please sit down? I need to tell you something."

I heard Bucky sit down at the kitchen table. "Look at me."

I lifted my head, meeting his eyes. He patted his leg, waving me over. I sat on his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Tell me what's got you acting like this? Is it because I'm going away?" His voice was laced with sadness.

"I was going to tell you Christmas morning that I was ready for us to have a baby." I bit my lip to stop it from trembling. I could feel the tears in my eyes.


I nodded, not being able to trust my voice. A single tear fell from Bucky's eyes before he pulled me into another hug. We both began to sob. We clung to one another like our life depended on it. At that moment, I felt so many emotions. I was scared for him, scared he would never come home to me. I was sad that we may never get the chance to have a family. I was also angry with myself for choosing to wait so long for this. I don't know how long we sat there, minutes, hours, but I eventually pulled back wiping my tears away. Bucky did the same.

"I'm so sorry. I never should have waited-." Bucky cut me off by placing his lips on mine.

"Stop. I'm not upset with you for choosing to wait." He cupped my face with his left hand, running his thumb over my cheek. "Having a family with you is the best thing I could ever ask for. I would have been the happiest person in the world Christmas morning. I probably would have ripped your clothes off right then and there."

We both laughed, tears still rolling down our cheeks. Bucky leaned forward, resting his forehead against mine. "Once all of this is over, I will come back to you and we will start our family."

"I love you so much."

"I love you more sweet girl."

Bucky lifted me off his lap, placing me on my feet. He stood from the chair, grabbing my hand and leading me to our bedroom. "Let's take a shower."

I nodded, slowly removing my clothes. I stepped in the shower after Bucky. His back was towards me, I licked my lips watching the water fall down his body. I wrapped my arms around his waist, leaving soft kisses across his back.

Bucky turned around in my arms. I rested my forehead against his chest, trying to calm my emotions.

"Baby." His husky voice filled the room. My knees felt weak as soon as the word baby slipped from his lips.

I leaned back, looking up to meet his gaze. Bucky brushed his lips against mine. "Everything is going to be okay."

My grip around his waist tightened when I felt tears in my eyes again.  He placed a kiss on my lips, moving them down along my jawline. I gasped when I felt him softly bite into my neck. His hand made its way down my stomach. A small whimper left my lips when he didn't touch me where I needed him the most. He smiled against my neck before he sucked harshly, leaving a mark.

"No teasing tonight. Please."

Bucky's fingers ran through my folds, causing my body to shudder. "I'll give you whatever you want, baby."

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