Chapter 20

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November 1943 - Bucky's POV

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November 1943 - Bucky's POV

"Let's hear it for Captain America!" I yelled, looking proudly at my best friend. All the soldiers who were crowding around us started to yell and cheer.

"She's here pal."

I gave him a questioning look. "Who?"

Steve smiled, rolling his eyes. "Your wife."

I immediately passed my gun to him. "Really? Where?" I started straightening out my clothes, trying to make myself look presentable. I look like shit right now.

Steve smiled at someone behind me. I turned around and saw those gorgeous green eyes. Before I could say anything, Riley was in my arms. I wrapped them around her waist, lifting her up so she could wrap her legs around me. I could hear Riley's soft cries as she placed her face in the crook of my neck.

"Baby look at me."

Riley shook her head, squeezing her arms around my neck tighter.

"I'm okay."

She sniffled. "I was so scared."

"I know. I was too but I'm here now. Stevie got me out."

I tried to put Riley back on her feet but she wouldn't let go.

I heard Steve chuckle behind us. "Good luck trying to get her off of you."

I smiled, rolling my eyes. I held onto Riley and walked to my room. "I have to put you down now."

She still wouldn't let go, shaking her head again and pulling me tighter into her body. "Riley, I have to shower."

"You'll be right back?" She asked in a weak voice.

"Yes. I want you in my arms for the rest of the night so go get in the bed sweet girl." I gently placed her on her feet, guiding her to the bed. I lifted the covers as she shuffled in, getting comfortable. I wiped away her tears but I leaned down, placing a sweet kiss on her lips.

I took the quickest shower of my life. I rushed back into the room, not even bothering to put on a shirt. Riley was snuggled into the blankets. I crawled into bed beside her, noticing she wasn't wearing any clothes. I tried to hide my smirk as I pulled her into my chest. I felt my cock stiffen as I felt her nipples against my chest.

"I missed you so much Bucky."

I pressed a tender kiss to her forehead. "I missed you too baby."

"What happened?" She asked, barely above a whisper.

I squeezed my eyes shut not wanting to remember being strapped down to a chair and watching that doctor inject me with something. I know I need to tell Riley but I don't want to ruin this moment with her. I let out a breathe that I was holding. "I don't want to talk about it right now."

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