Chapter 45

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October 2018 - Bucky's POV

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October 2018 - Bucky's POV

"Tell me again why you're dragging me into this?"

"In case I need back up."

Steve groaned, throwing his head back. "But I'm so hungry. Why would you need back up to have a simple conversation with him?"

I stuck out my foot in front of Steve causing him to trip. He grabbed a hold of my shoulder to regain his balance then shoved me into the wall. I chuckled, shoving him back. Steve knocked on the door before we both walked into the lab. Tony was sitting at his desk working on new arrows for Clint.

"It's too early for you two." Tony said, not bothering to look at us.

Steve and I sat down beside him while he continued to work, waiting for us to explain why we were there. I felt Steve nudge my shoulder, giving me a look telling me to go ahead. I sighed, looking back at the man I had once hurt. Even though Tony had forgiven me and we were trying to move past what happened and be friends, I was still hesitant to ask him for help or a favor.

"I would like to ask you something."

"I'm listening." Tony put his tools down and leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Me and Riley's anniversary is coming up and I want to do something special for her. I was wondering if you could help me."


"Really? I thought I'd have to convince you."

Tony furrowed his brows. "Riley was my mother's best friend. She's the closest thing I have to family so of course I'll help. Did you already have something in mind?"

"Well she is obsessed with Disney. I thought about asking if we could use your house in Malibu for a week or two so I could take her to Disneyland."

"Hell no." Steve scoffed, throwing his hands in the air. "You are not going to see Mickey Mouse without me."

I rolled my eyes. I forgot he had an obsession too.

"Seriously? You can go next time."

Steve frowned. "Come on man. She's my best friend. I've never been either and I want to experience that with her." His frown turned into a smug grin. "Plus all I have to do is give Riley my puppy dog eyes. She can never say no to that so she'd invite me to go anyway."

I groaned, running my hands over my face. He was right, Riley would want Steve to be there.

Tony laughed, shaking his head. "I have a solution. What if we all went for Christmas this year? I have plenty of rooms for everyone."

"The whole team? That'd be awesome." Steve had an excited smile on his face. "What do you think, Buck?"

"Yeah that would be fun but now I have to think of something else to do for our anniversary." I sighed, leaning back in my chair.

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