Chapter 6

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April 1936

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April 1936

I fixed my baby blue a-line dress, staring at myself in the mirror when I heard a knock on the door. I walked downstairs, letting out a breath before opening the door. I bit my lip when I saw Bucky. He was dressed in a white button up with black slacks, holding a bouquet of pink peonies with a huge smile on his face.

"These are you for you babydoll."

"They're beautiful B. Thank you." I stepped to the side, letting him inside. I took the flowers to the kitchen to put them in water.

"Are you ready or do you need a minute? I know I'm a little early." Bucky gave me a quick kiss.

"I'm ready handsome."

We walked hand in hand downtown to our favorite restaurant. When we got a few blocks away, it started getting dark out. I looked at the sky and saw a giant rain cloud. I nudged Bucky's arm when I felt raindrops.

"I think we can make it. We may need to run though."

As soon as I spoke, it started pouring. Bucky began swearing, yanking me to a nearby alley so we could get under shelter.

"Fucking hell. We can't go to dinner looking like this."

I laughed loudly, burying my head in his chest. "We're going to be drenched by the time we get back to my house."

"We'll just have to run like we planned on doing anyway."

I smiled, pulling him back into the rain. "Dance with me Bucky."

"It's raining Riley. I don't want you to get sick." He said, holding my hand.

"I'll be fine. One quick dance then we'll go get a change of clothes." I wrapped my left arm around his neck, grabbing his left hand with my right. He smiled, wrapping his other arm around my waist. He kissed me quickly before spinning me and pulling me back to him. We swayed back and forth, filling the alley with our laughter. I looked down to his chest, his wet shirt tightly hugging his chest and arms. Bucky pulled me in close, kissing me softly. I wrapped both my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.

"Alright sweet girl. Let's go get new clothes."

I ran inside my house to dry off and change into a different dress. Bucky went home to borrow his Dad's car. When I heard the horn of a car, I ran to the window, seeing it was Bucky. I put on my black oxford shoes, running to the car.

"Let's try this again." Bucky chuckled.

I laughed, moving closer to him to lean my head on his shoulder. He placed his hand on my knee as we drove to the restaurant.


"I had a great time tonight, Bucky."

"I'm glad sweetheart." Bucky said, parking the car. We decided to find a spot near the lake, both of us not wanting the date to be over yet.

We sat in silence for a few minutes. I looked at him and could tell something was wrong. "Are you alright?"

Bucky shifted in his seat, nodding his head. "I'm alright sweet girl."

"Then why do you look nervous?"

Bucky looks at me, "I'm not nervous." He gives me a small smile before looking out the window. I gently grab his chin and turn his face towards me.

"Please tell me what's wrong."

Bucky looked at me nervously. "I lo- I adore you Riley. I want everything to be perfect for you."

My heart began pounding in my chest. I swallowed thickly. Was he about to say he loves me?

"I adore you too, Bucky. More than you know."

I lean in to kiss him. Bucky wraps his arms around my waist as I run my hands through his hair. I shift my position and move so that I'm straddling his lap. He pulls me closer to him, running his hands down to my ass, squeezing it. I smile against his lips when he lets out a soft laugh. I deepen the kiss and start grinding my hips against him. Bucky lets out a satisfied groan, throwing his head back.

"Fuck. I don't know if I can control myself tonight."

"Good. I don't want you to." I bit down on his bottom lip, tugging it.

"Are you sure?"

I nodded. "Yes. I've been a good girl, Bucky."

He smiled and thrusted his hips into me. I giggled, biting down in his lip again.

"You have been a good girl. I wanted to be sure you were ready." I start unbuttoning his shirt, sliding it off his arms. He lifts my dress over my head, letting it fall to the floor. He unclasped my bra and leaned back into the seat.

"I'll never get tired of looking at you." He runs his hand over my cheek. I put my hand over his and placed a soft kiss on his palm.

Bucky pulled me into a kiss. I moved my hands down to his pants, unbuckling his belt as his lips moved more aggressively against mine. He shifts his position so he can pull his pants down. Bucky ran his fingers along the waistband of my underwear, before sliding them down. He placed his fingers against my folds, slowly moving them causing a soft moan to escape my lips. I reached down and grasped him in my hands, moving my hand up and down his length at a fast pace. Bucky quickly grabbed the back of my neck and pulled my lips back to his. He slid a finger inside me and started thrusting it in and out.

"Bucky." I moaned into his lips.

"What do you need sweet girl?"


Bucky removed his finger and lifted my hips up. He positioned himself with my entrance, pushing me down slowly on him. Bucky noticed me wince.

"It's okay baby. We can take it slow."

I nodded. Bucky pressed a sweet kiss to my forehead while I got accustomed to his size. I gave him a quick kiss, begging for him to keep going. He slid into me more, stretching my walls until he bottomed out.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded.

"Words Riley." He said sternly.

"Yes Buck. I'm okay." Before I could say anything else, Bucky started lifting my hips up and down. I placed my hands on his shoulders to help keep my balance. Bucky threw his head back, moaning.

"Shit. You're so damn tight." Bucky grazed his lips against mine. "Do you know how long I've wanted this? How many times I've thought about you bouncing on my cock, screaming my name?"

I moaned loudly at his words. Bucky bite his lip, watching the way my breasts bounce up and down in front of him. He attaches his lips to one of my erect nipples, lapping his tongue against it and gently biting down. Bucky grabbed my hips tighter, thrusting into me meeting my movements. Small moans coming from his lips every time I move against him. Those blue eyes locked on me like I'm the greatest thing he's ever seen.

"You feel so good, sweet girl. I don't know how much longer I can last."

He bit down on my shoulder, thrusting into my harder. My orgasm washed over me making my legs tremble. I felt Bucky pulse inside me shortly after. I continued to move against him as we both rode out our orgasm. I collapsed onto his chest, trying to control my breathing.

"That was-"

"Amazing." Bucky says finishing my sentence.

I smiled into his chest, his arms wrapping tightly around me.

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