Chapter 5

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April 1936

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April 1936

"Come on. The movie wasn't that bad." I sat down on the couch next to Bucky.

"Fine it was decent. But I don't think The Great Ziegfeld will be on my favorite movie list."

"Me either but I enjoyed it. William Powell and Mryna Loy were excellent." I snuggled into Bucky's side. "Thanks for a great date."

"You're welcome sweet girl."

"My Mom is working the night shift tonight." I smirked.


I grabbed his shirt, pulling him to my lips. I opened my mouth, letting him slip his tongue in. Bucky grabbed my hips, placing me on his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck to pull him close to me. I felt him getting hard beneath me. I grinded my hips against him.

He groaned, pulling away from the kiss, placing his head in the crook of my neck. "You're such a tease."

I giggled, running my fingers through his hair.

He leans back to look at me. "You mean so much to me Riley."

I smiled. I wanted to say those three words so badly but I didn't know if this was the right time. "You mean so much to me too." I place a quick kiss on his lips before moving from his lap and walking to the stairs.

"Where are you going?"

"Come find out." I said teasingly, causing Bucky to jump up. I giggled and ran up the stairs as he chased me. He caught up to me and placed me over his shoulder. I playfully smacked his ass, giggling when he jumped. He walked us into my room, gently placing me back on my feet. Our lips immediately came together in a desperate kiss.

I pulled away, grabbing the hem of my dress, pulling it over my head. I reached around my back, unclasping my bra letting it fall to the floor. Bucky was watching my every move, palming himself for some relief. I grabbed the waistband of my underwear, sliding it down my legs. I stood there completely naked, Bucky staring at me like he was about to devour me.

"Fuck you're so beautiful Riley."

I blushed. Bucky pulled his shirt off, showing off his incredible body.

Why is he so hot?

I ran my hands over his abs, up to his chest. Bucky cupped my face with his hands and pulled me into a kiss. I moved my hands down to his pants, unbuttoning them as his lips moved more aggressively against mine. I palmed him through his boxers. Bucky broke away from the kiss, letting out a moan. He grabbed the back of my thighs, carrying me to the bed, laying me down.

"My sweet girl. Are you sure you want this?" Bucky said, kissing down my chest, placing soft kisses around my breasts, teasing me.

I nodded, gasping when he finally placed a kiss on my erect nipple. I arched my back, pressing my breasts closer to his mouth.

"Answer me sweet cheeks. Use your words." He dragged his teeth over my nipple, teasing me again.

"Yes sir."

"Good girl." He smiled against my chest, taking my nipple into his mouth and sucking hard. Bucky slowly moved his fingers up my thigh, causing me to shiver. He ran his fingers through my folds, teasing my wet entrance.

"You're so wet. This might feel uncomfortable at first but it'll get better."

I nodded, grabbing onto his shoulders. Bucky slowly starts to insert his finger inside my cunt. I winced but let out a moan when he pushed it further inside. I felt him curl his finger to hit my g spot. I started thrusting my hips to meet his movements. Bucky smirked, adding another finger. He leaned down and pressed a quick kiss to my clit. I lifted my head to see Bucky, nestling between my legs. He wrapped his soft lips around my clit, sucking gently. I let out a loud moan, bucking my hips closer to his mouth.

"Does that feel good?"

I nodded vigorously. Bucky chuckled, placing his lips on my clit again. A tingling sensation filled my stomach.

"Bucky I'm-"

"I can feel you clenching. Let it go baby."

I felt my climax throughout my entire body. I grabbed his face, bringing his lips to mine. I could taste myself on his lips and tongue. Both of us moaned into the kiss. I pulled away, trying to control my breathing.

Bucky pulled his fingers from me slowly. He brought them to his mouth, sucking them clean, not breaking eye contact with me. I could feel myself getting wet again.

"You did so good for me darling." Bucky said, placing a sweet kiss to my lips.

"I want more."

"Needy little thing aren't you?" Bucky stood from the bed, removing his pants, leaving his boxers on. He crawled back into bed, placing the blanket over us.

I groaned, throwing the covers over my face. He laughed, removing the covers to kiss my cheek. "You'll get more soon."

"I owe you from the other night."

Bucky groaned sensually. "Yes you do. You were a bad girl leaving me like that."

I bit my lip. His words and voice had my cunt clenching.

"What do you want Riley?"

"I want to feel you in my mouth."

Bucky closes his eyes, nodding his head.

I straddled his lap, taking his earlobe between my teeth, tugging lightly. Bucky's hand gripped my waist. I kissed down his neck and his stomach. I moved in between his legs, pulling down his boxers not breaking eye contact. Bucky was breathing heavily, biting his lip. His thick cock was was red and leaking precum. I licked my lips. I grasped him in my hand, running it up and down slowly, watching him enjoy the feeling. I leaned forward, grazing my lips against his tip. Bucky watches me with anticipation.

"Please Riley. I can't handle the teasing."

I ran my tongue along the length of his cock before taking him into my mouth. Bucky grabbed my hair, letting out a sinful moan. I smiled, moving my mouth up and down his length. The sight of him like this was enough to give me another orgasm. This man is so fucking hot. I grabbed the base of his cock with my right hand, running the fingernails of my other hand along his thighs.

"Fuck baby. You look so pretty like this."

Bucky panted, he started moving his hips, setting the pace. I felt tears forming in my eyes from how deep he was going. It was intense but it felt so good. His grip on my hair tightened when I felt his cock twitch inside my mouth.

"I'm going to cum. Take all of it sweet girl, I know you can."

I moaned when I felt his cum hit the back of my throat. I kept sucking him through his high. I made sure to lick him clean before I released him with a pop. I sat back on my heels. Bucky looked completely fucked.

"That was your first time doing that so how the hell are you so good at it? That was amazing."

I giggled, moving to lay beside him. He wrapped his arm around me, kissing my temple.

"I love your thighs by the way."

Bucky chuckled. "I'll be sure to have you ride one next time."

Fucking hell.

"Can't wait." I said, snuggling into this chest.

"Good night my sweet girl."

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