Chapter 57

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March 2019 - Bucky's POV

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March 2019 - Bucky's POV

I had been out of my mind since Riley left. I trusted Peter to look after her but I hated the fact I wasn't the one with her. I spent most of the time in the gym with the guys before I went back to my room to shower and eat. Riley checked in after an hour to let me know where they were and that everything was okay but I started to get antsy when three hours had passed and she still wasn't back. I grabbed my phone and smiled at my lock screen. It was a picture of me and Riley on the beach in Greece. She was laughing, showing off that gorgeous smile of hers, while I smiled down at her with nothing but love in my eyes. I unlocked the phone and called her but it was straight to voicemail. I called a second time then a third but by the fifth time of no answer, I knew something was wrong. I tried calling Peter too, even though his phone was actually ringing, he still didn't answer.

"FRIDAY do you have a location on Riley and Peter."

"Yes Mr. Barnes. They were in Manhattan."

I got off the bed and grabbed a shirt to throw on and as I was about to leave the bedroom, the door suddenly flew open, nearly flying off the hinges. Steve was standing there with a pained expression on his face and his eyes were glazed over. I felt my heart drop to my stomach.

"What happened?"

"It's Riley."

I quickly left the room and ran down the hallway behind Steve. The elevator was taking too long so we took the stairs and went down to the medical wing. Everyone was already there and I felt my heart break even more when I noticed the look on everyone's face. My eyes searched the room until I found Peter. His head was in his hands and I could tell he was crying from the way his shoulders were shaking. The sound of his sobs were muffled by his hands. I took a step towards him but Tony stepped in front of Peter protectively.

"Where is she?"

We heard shouting from one of the rooms and I took off running again. As soon as I opened the door, I saw Riley lying on the table with cuts and blood all over her face, arms, and stomach. Bruce noticed me but right as he was about to say something the monitor began to flatline.

"NO!" I screamed and went towards her but Steve and Sam grabbed my shoulders, pulling me backward.

"Get him out of here. We need to help her!" Bruce yelled before closing the door.

I pushed the guys off me and went back to where everyone was sitting. I started to pace around the room, roughly grabbing my hair in frustration and desperation. I was trying to keep myself busy so I wouldn't punch a hole in the wall. It felt like my throat was closing and I couldn't breathe. I've never been so scared in my entire life. I can't lose her, I just can't.


I turned to look at Peter and saw his eyes were red and glossy. I could see through my peripheral that everyone was watching us. I mentally rolled my eyes. Did they really think I was going to hurt him? Riley would kick my ass if I ever intentionally harmed him but I knew that no matter what, this wasn't his fault. I needed to know what exactly happened.

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