Chapter 18

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June 1943

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June 1943

Steve walked into the room with Peggy Carter, looking nervous. Once our eyes met, I saw him release a breath of relief. He walked down the stairs, immediately pulling me into a hug.

"Are you sure you want to do this Steve?"

"If you ask me that one more time, I'll punch you."

"I'm just worried about you." I frowned, pulling away from the hug.

"I know but I won't change my answer."


"No buts. I can do this."

"Pinky promise?" I ask, holding my pinky out.

Steve smiled, linking his pinky with mine. "Pinky promise."

I nodded, hesitantly letting go. I escorted him to the table. "Okay Rogers shirt off."

Steve blushed, slowly pulling his shirt off. He immediately used his hands to try and cover up his chest.

I rolled my eyes. "Stop being a wuss."

He glared at me before turning his focus to the observation window. I followed his eyesight and saw he was looking at Peggy.

Please tell me this is not what I think it is.

"If you tell me you have a thing for Carter, I might throw up."

"Better run to the trash can then."

I glared at Steve. "She's annoying."

"You don't even know her."

"And you do?"

Steve opened his mouth to say something but Howard cut him off. "If you two are done arguing, can we please get moving?"

I smirked, grabbing Steve's face in my hands and placing a sloppy kiss on his cheek. "On the table sir."

He smiled, laying down on the table. We heard Dr. Erskine on the microphone, explaining the process Steve was about to go through. I began grabbing the serum bottles, putting them in place. I used an antibacterial wipe on Steve's shoulder before injecting him with penicillin.

"He's ready."

Dr. Erskine nodded. "Serum infusion beginning in 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1"

Steve was injected and was enclosed in the experiment. I ran down to Howard to help keep an eye on the levels.

We heard a muffled scream from Steve. I started to panic, grabbing Howard's arm. "Howard, turn it off!"

"No! I can do this." Steve yelled, his voice sounding strained.

I blinked the tears away, looking at Howard. He nodded, turning the dial more. The light from the machine lit up the room. My heart was pounding out of my chest. Suddenly, the machine stopped. Howard pressed a button opening the doors, showing a very tall and muscular Steve Rogers.

Oh damn.

Howard and I ran towards him, helping him out of the machine. We both stared at him, amazed at the transformation.

"How do you feel?" I stared at his pecks.

Steve breathed heavily. "Taller."

"Well you look hot." I mumbled under my breath.


It had been a week since Steve was injected with the super soldier serum. He thought he would be joining the war but instead he would be touring the nation to promote war bonds. I had been spending as much time with him as I could before he was pulled into his first assignment as Captain America. We were currently sitting in my living room, music was playing softly in the background. I was going through paperwork Howard had given me.

I kept glancing over at Steve, watching him read his book. I was still amazed at the transformation. He was definitely not my little Stevie anymore.

"Can you stop staring at me?"

"Sorry. I'm still getting used to all of this." I waved my hand around, motioning towards Steve's body.

"I am too but stop looking at me like I have two heads."

"You do have two heads." I smirked seeing Steve's face turn red.

He groaned. "Why are you like this?"

"You walked into that one."

He scoffed, looking down to read his book. I smiled, loving how embarrassed he would get. "I'm just thinking about a threesome when Bucky gets home." I mumbled to myself.

"Riley Marie!" Steve slammed his book shut.

"What?! I didn't do anything. I stopped looking at you."

"I heard what you said."

I squinted my eyes at him. "I didn't say anything."

"We will not be having a threesome."

My mouth fell open. "You heard that?!"

"Super soldier hearing."

"Well shit. You can't read minds right?"

"For fuck sake Riley." He huffed, standing from the couch.

I threw my head back laughing. "I'm just kidding!"

No I'm not.

Steve glared at me as he walked down the hallway to the guest room.

"Bring that plump ass back here Steven!"

"You're the worst friend ever." He yelled before slamming the door shut. 

A few seconds went by before Steve came back into the living room. He glared at me since I was still laughing. "I'm still annoyed with you but I forgot to tell you a letter came in the mail for you today."

I quickly stood up. "From Bucky? Where is it?"

"Will you stop embarrassing me?"


"Then you don't get the letter." As soon as Steve turned around, I jumped on his back.

"You better get me that damn letter. I can still kick your ass Stevie. I don't care how tall and muscular you are now."

Steve easily flipped me over his shoulder, throwing me onto the couch. "What was that?"

I rolled my eyes. "I won't embarrass you anymore."

Steve smiled, handing me the letter. I quickly ripped it open.

Dear Riley,

I miss you so much. I would give anything to be with you right now, dancing in our living room to our wedding song. I can't believe you're working with Howard Stark. That's incredible! I'm so proud of you sweetheart. I wish I could have been there to see that beautiful smile when you accepted the position. I know you'll do great things Riley Marie. Just make sure Stark knows to keep his hands to himself. I will come home and kick his ass if I have to. I'm counting down the days until I see you. I promise I'll be home soon sweet girl. I love you so much.


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